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Everything posted by EdenTeleny

  1. Too bad! I had the same problem, and turning off basic shaders solved it. Though" solving" is not the appropriate word when you have to go in preferences, untick basic shaders, and find yourself in a "poor environment" each time you have to unpack a mesh item, or click for sitting...I wish LL would take this as seriously as they are able to, since it is not a rare bug.
  2. I intend to buy a new ( and expensive) desktop computer, and I need to be sure SL will run smoothly with all settings to the max, and meet no incompatibilities. Basic data would be: Intel Core i7 3960X Extreme edition ; 3.30 Ghz Graphic cards : Invidia GeForce GTX 690 ( 2 cardsx 4096 Mo) Motherboard ASUS Rampage IV Extreme ( Chipset Intel x 79) Memory G.skill 32 Go It is supposed to be a bomb, so my question is more about possible incompatibilities that you might trace...otherwise, I suppose it is a bit overdimensioned , but I will use it for multimedia and heavy graphic apps too. Thanks in advance if you can help:-)
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