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  1. Hello! I've been creating skins in SL since 2010 and I took a break the past couple years and now I'm wanting to start creating again, and well...everything is mesh lol I've made textures for mesh clothes, and I'm looking into using the omega applier, however, I don't particularly want to purchase lots of heads/bodies to test out all my skins on. So I'm looking for one or two women who own several mesh bodies/heads and would like some free content as I'm starting to get into making omega friendly skins. All I'd ask in return is if you can hang out at a sandbox with me so I can take some pictures of you, as well as give me some feedback for the skins and appliers. Send me a NC inworld and let me know what bodies/heads you have
  2. First- Thank you everyone who's replied so far. I'm going to file a ticket, because it wasn't a DMCA, it was "Intellectual Property Policy" and I was never emailed about it, so it wasn't until i noticed I hadn't gotten a sale in awhile that i noticed it was even down. Sorry for the low quality, but here's a cropped screenshot of all I have to work on here. and It's only on my items that were tagged "alice,in,wonderland" or simply "wonderland"
  3. Hopefully this is in the correct area of the forums, I don't use the forums too often. But I'd like to get some opinions on my shop situation. I run a Toddleedoo avatar clothing store, my primary theme is "Alice In Wonderland" and all of my wonderland themed items we're taken off the MP for "Intellectual Property Policy" I've included a couple images of items that we're removed. The first one being the blue sweater with the classic John Tenniel illustration on it. The second one being literally a heart symbol. Both of these were taken down, I'm assuming the tag/tags "Alice" "in" "Wonderland" were caught. What frustrates me though, is that Alice In Wonderland is public domain, and so is the John Tenniel illustration used. So no, there is no mis-used IPP being used here, it's public domain. And Even if it wasn't, the heart one is 100% custom fabricated so shouldn't of been taken down at all. So why I'm posting here, should I message LL about this? Should I relist? I've ran this store for a few years now and I don't want this to happen again, but I don't want to drop my theme, I adore Alice In Wonderland and with it being public domain, I'm within my rights to use and reference it.
  4. Hello! I am Kira Joleen, I am currently looking to work with or for a Studio that is in the works or already established. My photography examples are here http://kirabeth.tumblr.com/ (please note a few pictures there are shared from other users, but for the majority they are mine) My editing of photos goes from little/none at all, to as far as morphs (I'm not fond of morphs style but I most definitely can create them) I like to range my photos to everyones personal taste, some people like extreme edited photos and some not so much. I've been in second life for over 4 years. While practing and improving my photography since day one! I am also currently in the process of becoming a professional photographer in real life, and I am a profession digital artist with about 3 years of experince. I work great with clients and doing my best to give and create exactly what someone wants. If you're interested or would like to know more- please send me an IM, Notecard or even Landmark to your studio!
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