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Misty Bitey

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Posts posted by Misty Bitey

  1. Hey guys,

    I used to have no problems logging into SL even though I live in Australia and have less than stellar internet.
    Lately though, I keep getting logged out after approx. 2 minutes saying the region may be experiencing trouble or to check my internet connection. I know it's not region specific, because I've tried logging into various places. I've even checked my antivirus and it's not blocking anything that SL requires.

    When I run a speedtest I get around 5mbps, yet my statistics panel in SL says I get barely 10kbps bandwidth. My bandwidth slider in Preferences is set to 1200kbps. Packet loss is 0%. I'm a little baffled as to why this is happening - does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could do?

    I've already rebooted the router, rebooted the computer and done a client uninstall/re-install. I even tried lowering the graphics settings to the absolute minimum. Things around me will load visually (or try to) but when i try to move I don't go anywhere either. Any help really appreciated.


    EDIT : KarenMichelle: My avg ping to that address is 235ms. I checked with another Australian friend who is not having connection issues and his ping is 230ms. So it's not that.

    While having the statistics window open I notice when I first connect that I get decent bandwidth speeds but it quickly gets throttled to below 10kbps.

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