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Everything posted by Dsmrtgrl

  1. I'm having the same issue as you. The status still says no issues, but there has to be one. Maybe it's Firestorm viewer (if you use it). I don't see anything on their site either.
  2. Thanks for all of the advice guys! @Lukeh - I believe Google Sketch-up is super easy too but when I upload my objects into SL, it's all broken apart. I cannot figure out how to fix it. @Nalates - I've actually watched many of Ashasekayi and they are very helpful too.
  3. So sorry to hear about your partner. I hope he makes a speedy recovery and returns to you soon.
  4. My previous avatar chillin'. Now and again she makes an appearance. Sorry for the low qual image. I save them as png since Firestorm is more compatible with png. This makes me realize that I should save them as jpeg and convert to png when needed.
  5. I do a lot of shopping in SL. A LOT of shopping. Now that mesh capabilities is getting better and better in SL, I want everything mesh practically. I love it! Now I try to buy as many things in mesh as possible. I just started learning how to create mesh objects in Blender, starting off more geometric and making houses (thank goodness for Youtube!), but that is only the very very tip of the iceburg. I see creators making the most incredible mesh objects in SL and I am baffled as to how they learned how to create them. Of course, I sign up for classes with Builder's Brewery, Caledon University and the such, but I seem to need more training. I want to know what the best resources were for them to learn how to create mesh. Are most of these creators animators by trade, having gone to college specifically for 3D modeling/animation? Did it take them years to get it down? What advice would they give to aspiring 3D modelers with no background in 3D modeling?
  6. Hi! My name is Dido Elizabeth Belle. I've been in SL for a year now, but I just signed up for the forums today. In RL, I am a mixture of African, Irish, Jewish, and Native American. People always think I look Ethiopian. The only thing my avatar and I have in common is our skin tone, cheek bones, jaw line, full lips and hair length...when my avi is wearing it long. As I'm not overweight, I am not nearly as thin as my avi. My avi is like the size of Jennifer Aniston and I am the size of Christine Hendricks from Mad Men in RL.
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