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Everything posted by CarlosSantria

  1. When I try to login through a new internet connection I setup when I moved in RL I get Login Failed Waiting on Server Response. How can I fix this?
  2. I moved in RL and cant get back on SL. In the move I got new IP address. Offical message Login Faild (waiting for server response.) I feel lost without being on SL anymore. Any tips?
  3. I'm looking forward more and more to exploring other cultures on here. Really helps cut down on gas and ticket prices. =D I thought I saw one before but might have not been it. A translator on a viewer that was run for free. I did notice I have a option to buy a translator key on my viewer. Would be smart to shovel extra dollars for a good enough translator dont you agree? I am not about to go back and forth from viewer to browser translating. I crash enough when I listen to my jams.
  4. Wasn't 100% sure where to post this. I came on here to take part in interesting and exciting things. I am most looking forward to taking part in other culture. Latin Culture is something I am wanting to learn about on here. I found some places but want to find more. I'm positive there is a whole lot out there. I just need to make connections with others and find them out. Any suggestions would be welcomed. I love to explore new sims.
  5. Thanks for the tips and suggestions. I am going to try to see what comes up and will post again if I need more guidance.
  6. I'm just asking what I should search. Looking to create a basic chair when you sit down the camera is adjusted on a fixed position and angel. If you tell me how to do this I won't learn. What should I search?
  7. Hey folks I am brand new here on second life and enjoying it. My good friend turned me onto this and told me about how all sorts of things are on here. I am wondering if there is any place that can teach like real world things. I'm looking to learn to how to speak spanish and play guitar. Playing guitar is something I reallly would like to learn how if I can on here. So are there any places on here someone recomends?
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