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Everything posted by DallasMonroe

  1. S&D Desires is a new club and we are looking for almost a full staff.! If you are looking for a job as a dancer (stripper), Host or DJ then we are looking for you as well!! We are a new running club and have a very friendly staff. If you are friendly and wanting to give it a go please IM Sky916 or DallasMonroe for an application or come on down to the club & pick one up from the mail box on the wall ;) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Holandia/84/184/3002
  2. S&D Desires is a new strip club looking for Dancers , Host & DJs!! If you are looking for a job doing any of these things please IM DallasMonroe or Sky916 inworld for more information & a application!!!
  3. S&D Desires Strip Club is having a "come as you are" event at 12AM SL time. 250 will be up on the contest board anyone can enter (must be present during event) & for every 6 names on the board the prize increases 250. This is our first event as a club and we hope you will there to enjoy it with us! It's a friendly environment with great people! The SLURL : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Holandia/69/184/21
  4. S&D Desires is a new upcoming club & we are looking for some staff. Will be working for some easy going understanding people & fun to work with!! If you are interested in any of these jobs please IM inworld DallasMonore or Sky916 thank you very much! :smileyhappy:
  5. S & D Desires (Sensual & Delicious Desires ) is a new strip club in SL & we are looking for some friendly & great spirited people on our team! We are currently looking for Dancers (strippers) , Host/Hostesses & DJs. You must be familiar in SL with sending group notices, working the groups chat, know how to invite people to the group & must have a good skin/shape. Must be friendly & take your job serious. We play a variety of music (rock, hip hop, r&b, old school...you name it I'm sure we play it ). ~*~ We are great easy going people, its good having easy to talk to managers ;) ~*~ If you want an application please IM inworld DallasMonroe or Sky916 thank you very much :)
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