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Robin23 Dagostino

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Everything posted by Robin23 Dagostino

  1. I had noticed some odd quality to the movements of my avatar and today I looked closely. My avatar is wearing heels and I noticed that the sole of the shoe (at the toes, the lowest part) is kind of floating a few inches above the ground, more or less the same height there is from the front part of the foot to the heel, what in RL would be about 3-4". Is there any way to remedy that? it is such a shame to see such beautiful shoes floating above the ground.
  2. Been having a lot of trouble with the viewer lately. Now when I take off things or wear them one by one, it either takes ages (I have a 1Mbit cable modem connection) or simply never happens. A couple of weeks ago I could choose Me | Appearance and then select another of my "looks" and then "Wear & Replace current outfit" and voilá! I would redress almost immediately. Now I do it and the Appearance dialog says "Now wearing" with the little round thing that supposedly says it is busy doing something. But it remains like that very long and nothing happens. The only workaround (because it is not a solution) is to QUIT and then log back in again, then my avatar would be redress. This is VERY cumbersome. I don't know why it worked fine the first week and now it is all broken. Kind of make you lose the mood of the situation when you have to quickly change.
  3. I meant floating text. I don't mind hover hints because they are useful. But sometimes the scene has so much floating text that you cannot read the chat bubbles or it gets so cluttered that it is simply tasteless.
  4. There is an option after within Preferences. The default and minimum is 5 minutes but in reality you just need to minimize and the head goes down even if you haven't reached the 5 minutes. In any case I set it to 10 minutes, that works better.
  5. A friend of mine came with his laptop and SL (he is using Exodus viewer) and I noticed that if I minimized my viewer window my avatar would show on his viewer with the head down (Away animation) almost immediately. Isn't that supposed to happen if (a) user explicitely sets Status | Away and/or (b) User is away from keyboard for a predetermined amount of time such as 5 minutes? Well, it happens immediately. Is there a way to disable that? I want to se it manually (Status) or if I am away for more than 5-10 minutes). I don't want people to think I am away only because I *briefly* put my attention on some RL event.
  6. For what I see all of the viewers are based on the same code with some extra features, at least that is what I gather from the Excel sheet and seeing a friend of mine using Exodus. If they have the same code base I don't expect much improvement on stability
  7. The comparison spreadsheet was good though not up to date. I didn't know there were so many alternative viewers out there. Only new of Phoenix & Firestorm but it is confusing because both are from the same website (phoenixviewer.com) and that website looks so horrible and without screenshots that makes you doubt whether their viewer is good or just as horrendous as their choice of website. My SL viewer has become too crashy too, don't know how many times in the day I have to start again.
  8. Well, I tried that, setting the DNS on the Windows IPv4 properties (there was some graphical tutorial on the net). I set it to those Google DNS numbers. The situation improved only slightly in terms of getting the Nearby People lists but the Test String problem, the inability of IM'ing most of the time and the rest still persist. I opened a JIRA issue. I get IMs from people I can't even identify other than "TestString" and that is very cumbersome. Then they think I am dumb because I ask what's their avatar name.
  9. I recently learned there are a few other viewers for SL, one called Firestorm and another called Phoenix. I have not been able to find something that compares them -feature and performance wise- to the official SL viewer. I am having a lot of problems with the official viewer, it crashes constantly and I would like to explore other possibilities to make exploring SL more pleasurable.
  10. How can I make hints such as "Touch this object to ...." hints that appear in the scene when I use the (SL 3.3.4) viewer? Also to hide those floating balls that can be touched (for dancing or posing) that are found all over the place?
  11. The actual program string is: "TestString PleaseIgnore" just like that without spaces. And when the other end is typing I see "[NAME] is typing" this sounds to me like a malfunction. I cannot even start IM conversations, the dialog never comes up. Sometimes happens with the Profile as well. It is most annoying I am using the official SL 3.3 viewer in Windows, not MacOS
  12. After logging out a couple of times it miraculously started working again, but this is something that is happening often lately. I will try that workaround with wearing the box too. Thank you.
  13. Normally I get IM requests by name but in the past week or so I got some IM notifications in the SL 3.3 viewer that read "Test String Please Ignore" so I simply clicked on the X to get rid of it (ignore it). Yesterday out of curiousity I clicked on it to open it because I had been receving too many of those and to my surprise it was an actual IM message from somebody nearby!!! So, why is it not coming with the actual "name" of the avatar instead of "Test STring" ? how many interesting conversations I may have missed because of that :( Not to mention that those people probably thought I was being rude by ignoring their chat requests. Why is it happening? how can it be fixed?
  14. I got some packages from the marketplace and in the viewer I received the object notifications. To each of them I clicked on "Keep" and I can see them in the Objects folder of my inventory. I went to a public sandbox and did a drag and drop of the package from the Objects folder onto the floor/ground but I get a mouse cursor with a red circle and a transversal line indicating it is NOT possible. How comes I cannot unbox my packages from the object folder in a public sandbox anymore? Can someone recommend me other public sanddboxes I can try?
  15. Thanks, exiting the viewer and login in again solved the problem. I was scared that my whole persona was messed up
  16. Thanks to all, I was indeed horrified to see other avis walking around with the default shape & attire so I changed mine. But as someone pointed out some skins/shapes come with baked-in underwear. Luckily I found a nice shape & skin that looks natural and doesn't have built-in underwear. For me the problem was/is that most of the outfits (day, night, etc) have stuff that I don't really want there. Since they are not worn but are in the outfit I can't delete them. I think Amethyst has a good answer, never tried doing that in the WEARING tab. I just wonder, if it is indeed possible to "delete" Them from the WEARING tab, will it just delete it from the current outfit or will it remove it from my inventory?
  17. I am tired of having all those unworn things in every outfit. I don't know why they remain there if they are not worn. I can't even delete them from the outfit. I want to start a new avatar, FRESH bare naked. I want it to have only the SHAPE & SKIN I have acquired (not the default noob one) and from there add clothing. This way the outfit has ONLY what I have chosen to wear on it normally. I may remove some items temporarily but should still remain on the outfit. But I don't want all the other junk that it is not meant to be there. What is the recommended way to do that? it isn't working.
  18. I have several outfits but in one of them I had a Rave skirt that is according to the inventory "Attached to stomach". The problem is now now matter which outfit I use, despite of the Wear & REPLACE current outfit, that rave skirt always remains there. It is stuck and can't remove it. When I select it on the avatar and click on "Detach" it simply does nothing. I don't want to delete it from the inventory but I don't want it in all avis.
  19. What is the difference between a Landmark and a Favorite? I consider the Favorites just as the IE favorites but then, what is so special about the Landmark variation? And I have defined several favorites but I want to delete some of them and edit others so that they take me to a better place in that area than the one I "bookamarked"
  20. I have been trying to teleport to London City most of the day without success. It always says it has failed after early in the day I teleported but received a notification that the grid would go down in a few minutes. Since then, no more London. It has become one of my favourite hangouts
  21. I wanted to film a SL short film so I followed the instructions of using CTRL+SHIFT+U to hide all UI elements. My character was sitting on a chair. There are two factors ruining the shot: 1. When sitting there is a "STAND UP" button always showing up at the lower part even when you have hidden ALL UI elements. 2. The nearby chatter pops up with every new message posted by residents Am I missing a tip? and if not, what are the chances of this being remedied in the next version?
  22. I wonder why SL doesn't do something about it, apparently a lot of people are struggling with the same, It should be possible to get a skin color and let the model, renderer, shader do the gradient thing. I personally find the default SL avatar feet absolutely horrible unless you cover them. with something. I know what you mean about those with prim feet, a challenge to get them properly integrated and almost never does.
  23. But the strange thing is that when I select an avatar (at least the free ones that are part of the stock viewer), none of them seem to list a skin texture in the Appearance list for that avatar.
  24. When one enters any location and the Chat option (toolbar) is not selected every time someone writes something on their chat (not IM) causes a small pop up line with the text to appear in my viewer. Seeing so many things in my viewer real estate is a bit cumbersome. Is there a way to temporarily disable those text messages to keep popping up in your scene? and perhaps even make the top menu bar auto hide?
  25. Doesn't matter whether it is for (add-on) feet or anything else getting the right skin tone for the item always seems to go wrong. I capture (with an external program) a screenshot to select (the viewer color picker never gets it) the skin tone color. Then I edit the object in the viewer, select TEXTURE = NONE and use the RGB & HSV values I obtained to modify the edited object. Then I press APPLY and now matter what it never looks right, the applied color looks so dark, much darker than the skin dat doesn't match what I selected. In my case the add-on I am trying to color is a semisphere but it doesn't even look like a lighted gradient when I select a color instead of a texture.
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