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Everything posted by annathora

  1. need clean the house of haters , of people with a porly education and semi nazis .,
  2. im 100 % fine with no allow kids in any sim with A rate, that's common sense to me, the problem here is not that, is the layer thing than they make it too much complicated
  3. ask to make simple the layer thing is not a big deal, are many ways to have the same result without breaking the work of people and cut the liberty of expression
  4. Everybody is fine about ban pedos, im the first one, we reported many of them, we banned on our SIMS thousands of them, but be a kid is not be a pedo as be a adult avatar doesn't mean you are a well furnished brain
  5. problem is people put in same bag a-players (with sexual meaning) than people who play as a kid just for aviod the sexual dramas and harassment.
  6. Dear Keira Linden, I ask you to please read each and every one of the comments here, there are many questions, and most of them are because from the beginning Linden Lab has approached this in the wrong way. First the question would be why all these changes towards the SL Kids community? and not only that, as was asked here, what about the Japan culture community among many other communities that could be said (or not) that it is a child avatar just because the definition is vague. Why does LInden Lab take more relevance to some "haters" who don't like children in SL (dressed or not ) without taking into account ALL the community, without even asking us? Haven't you just put a rule that the genitals should be flat ( like barbie and ken ) and then you make a big deal about the whole layer thing ? isn't this about making the community safer and simpler ? Putting some vague rules, poorly thought out and without any kind of sense, against a community that you want or not is and has always been in SL without taking into account the experience and the singularities of why there are people who want to be children in SL. Terms of Service are a standard which everyone turns to in order to make Second Life a safe place for all, However as things currently stand it would appear that these latest Terms of Service will now endanger the online safety of MANY residents in Second Life who simply wish to peacefully express their personal identities, Especially those who attempt to challenge unfair abuse reports against them as this will certainly (to some degree) Tar peoples reputation with the dreaded A-Play brush. It doesn't take a genius to know that with modern day cancel culture the stigma of such a label by Linden Labs will linger like a bad smell for a considerable length of time. Even if you are cleared of any and all wrongdoing... Seems Linden Lab didn't think much of how much put in danger their clients with this change of TOS., Please let us help you and create a BOARD to talk about all this together. Thanks
  7. I will ask Barbie of Matel to change all my Barbies for ones than have modesty layer
  8. Let's face it, all this comes because some "bored" people have put their hands on their heads when they saw that there is nudism in Second Life and that they also let the avatars of children (but they are adults) to go on those beaches. In some countries and especially in the United States of America is usually seen as an offense and as if it were a sexual act to go naked or to see a naked child (without any sexual qualification) I remember that we were all born naked without a "modesty layer" but considering that it is the country where some consider the sculpture of David de Michelangelo an obscenity, I do not expect much, but Linden Lab is in California, they should know better how it all goes. While I agree that some things need to change, criminalizing the entire SL Kids community (where there are more good people than bad) is a bad idea, Linden Lab should have created a commission where the Kids community could say what they think, what is good and what is bad and help to create a guide of what is acceptable and what is not, not criminalize nudism just because, without explanations, just for the reactions of some fanatics, when the real problem and what worries Linden lab is another, the a-play that include sex, that needs end , but with fair and real rules, that penalize those people and not the rest. In my opinion, they have done it very badly and out of fear, I understand it, they want to protect their asses, but they should put the modesty layer there before making nonsense rules.
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