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Ina Fairport

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Everything posted by Ina Fairport

  1. Well, I don't think there are many jazz lovers in SL. I never heard Coltrane, Dexter Gordon and Sonny Rollins either. I heard them in my own club when I was DJ there. The club is gone now. I never could find the right audience. Yes, Monk was nuts but definitely a genius
  2. Nice to see Monk here. I always wonder why I don''t hear Monk and many othere in the "jazz clubs" of SL.
  3. I am not alone this year with Christmas. At new year's eve I will be alone. I am in Europe. SLT + 9. It would be so nice to spend the last evening of the year in SL together with more lonely souls IM me if you want 🙂
  4. I just went to Korea. I was the only avatar. And yes, I felt those butterflies too
  5. I miss those days. A friend wore a rideable horse avatar and we explored the caves, talked to the cave people and wandered around. In the shop you could buy a basket with dragon eggs. Wandering around on the 4 sims the basket gave you hints where to go. On the right places the eggs would hatch and you received a dragon pet
  6. Anyone remembers Grendell's children ? 4 beautyfull rp sims and a shop in the air with fantasy avatars. The shop is still there but only 1 sim left now.
  7. One year later 2007 dancing with Bro I can't recall the name of the club
  8. My oldest pic of SL, September 2006. The Korea sim was always crowded with newbees. When thinking back SL was more fun in those days. Most clubs were crowded 24/7 and the local chat was very busy. The Korea sims still look exactly the same and are deserted now.
  9. I agree. Compared to MS Flight Simulator flying in SL is so much less interesting. But in FS I miss the avatars and the chat at the airport after the landing
  10. I fly in SL since 2008. Mostly in small one engine props and Shergood heli's. Troubles with simcrossing is as old as SL. Sometimes very bad, sometimes reasonable and not spoiling the fun completely. At times that the crossings are very bad I fly my Shergood heli's or I go sailing. I sail more often than flying. With sailing there are much less problems.
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