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Posts posted by stationk

  1. Hello, if anyone knows, how the 'dance' or 'carry' poseballs are made. I know how to make a poseball and attach a script and AO to it, and how to add that to an object such as a chair,  but so far haven't found anything for 2 poseballs.

    The best example for what I'm looking for is a "carry" poseball(s), where you rez an object and it has 2 poseballs, one for the one been carried and the other that does the carry and is the one that  can also walk around,  I have only found small comments saying it's actually a 'vehicle' what I have to make because one of the AV can walk.

    And on the same topic, why some of these can only move in flat surfaces ?


    Thank you!

     UPDATE: I think I found something on some unrelated videos.. link-unlink the 2 poseballs to add scripts and AOs.

  2. Hello


    I like to build a script based robot for RP, to be more precise, I like to build one human or robotic looking bodyguard, that means it has to be able to iteract with others normal AV.  For example, if it's a bodyguard, it has to be able to push, hold and maybe even carry another AV as if it were a normal AV.


    So far I've about 'script AV' accounts that are normal accounts but defined as 'bots' to be controlled remotely, some just chat bots while others more iteractive in some functions.


    Other's I've seem are just static objects that can iteract with another AV via RLV.

    But I want it to walk, because it's like a bodyguard.


    Which may be the best options to build such thing.


    Thank you


  3. Hello


    I'm using qavimator to create my AOs, I made one animation of 40 frames where a standing AV falls down on it's back.

    when I upload it, it plays but returns at the first frame, so the AV falls and gets right back to it's feet.

    By scripting I can add a static pose of the last frame but you can see the split second when the AV stands.

    What did I miss ?


    also.. qavimator seems to fill all frames with keyframes after you save and load again your project. is this normal or a bug ?

    thank you for any help :)

  4. Hello


    I have a friend that really makes use of SL, this friend has at least 2 big spaceships where you can walk inside like a house or skybox and have different devices on it where one can sit and use the different functions of the ship, the ship itself can fly and move around a sim like a vehicule, it has no poseballs and can travel between SIMs.

    How are those made ? 

  5. Hi, I made my fist AO with Qvanimator, I read before that I should make a keyframe on all part at frame 2 then do the rest of the AO. I did, made a keyframe on frame 2 on all parts fro the initial pose, made the rest of the AO. When uploaded, the preview shows good, when uploaded for real, the AV moves affected by probably the standing AO, changing 2 limbs positions and the genral 'banking' of the AV. What did I miss ?  thank you in advance for the help.

  6. thanks for the comment, but.. then, how does those 'chloroform attacks' works. In those, the 'victim' is not using anything attached, just gets ask if the 'attacker' can animate her avatar, if she syas 'yes' then an AO of hte attacker grabbing the victim until it passes out and stays on the floor 'out' for 2 minutes.

  7. Hello


    I want to tryt o start creating objects or items to help in RP, I'm already starting to seek information here but I need a general outline of what I have to search for since what I want to create involves several topics.

    One example, since I RP 'Supergirl', I want to create 'kryptonite', so the kryptonite can be just a 'rock' that the 'attacker' holds and the 'victim' has to become incapacitaded, in SL, that would be, un-able to TP, run away, fly and eventually 'pass out' like with those 'chloroform' items already existing.

    So I can see that this involves:

    - RLV

    - Scriptiing

    - AOs

    But, how to put it together.. and..

    is it always better if a window pops up for the 'victim' asking  for permission if her avi can be animated by the attacker ?

    is it better to make a 'menu' or just text commands in the general chat window.

    I'll have to make at least 2 AOs: dizzy or weak and the the KO, unconsious pose


    So, what I like tis to have a general outline for me to start making the different parts and then join them in one item.


    Thank you in advance for any help.



  8. hi. I use Phoenix Viewer 1.5.2 and I tried to run it twice, I can start both, and log-in into one with an account, when I switch tot he other to log-in another account, the screen flashes between the two and the desktop until it closes one of the viewers.


    I searched and other people do it so.. what am I missing ?  don't know if hte PC can't handle it since one closes without slowing down the computer.


    Thank you


  9. Hello

    Today, I started getting a constant popup that reads



    An object named fb8374784....******   owned by Stationk (me) has given you a notecard named '____________________________________________________________________________________________________________'



    I also had this message before I uninstalled the viewer and re-installed:

    [19:08]  Second Life: Too many instant messages. Delivery capped.
    [19:08]  item id found
    [19:08]  file C:\Program Files\Phoenix Viewer\app_settings\bridge_assets\3aa187cd-519e-ac01-04f1-09f8a89a8247.lsltext exists
    [19:08]  completed upload, inserting
    [19:08]  inserted.
    [19:08]  import completed


    The version of my viewer is Phoenix v.1.52.1185


    I'm aware is the old version but it's the nly one that runs on my pc.


    Openning one of the note cards, said it was the instructions' for an open colar, already tried removing any RLVa, Hud, etc.. and didn't work.

    Already delted all 'chache' and un-installed viewer and re-installed. same result.


    This constant popup on the top right block other messages and makes me lag very very heavy.

    The opo-up has the 'accept, discard and mute' buttons, clicking on mute or discard gives the message on local wchat:


     You decline '_______________________________________________________________'  ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Coruja/227/46/4000 ) from fb172d7a-bab2-43fe-9b52-2eb2fa0fe514672029.800000.


    Muting doesn work, keeps popping the message constant, just changein that long number a bit at the end.


    Help ?..









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