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Everything posted by Confessions

  1. Very interesting! Thanks a lot for the replies. So how do I go about exporting the texture from my model? Also I just tried to upload with the nurbs converted to polygons and now some of the polygons looks very messed up! Stuff missing from them etc. I've read some stuff about something called UV unwrapping, I guess I should read up on that .
  2. Hi there, I'm new to modelling, just started infact. I made my first ever model, it's extremely basic, it was a test. I made a chest of drawers. I textured it very basically. Then I saved it as a 2011 FBX file and then used the 2011 FBX converter to convert it into a Collada file. Now when I try to upload it I see no textures, it's blank white and the nurb primitives I created are missing too. Any help would be much appreciated!
  3. So I haven't played SL in a good 6 months. But now that I'm back I've noticed that my gestures take so long to load and sometimes don't even play. Are the asset servers overloaded? Is anyone else having these issues? 6 months ago they worked pretty much fine, now they only seem to work in very off-peak hours.
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