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mayuka Yoshikawa

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Everything posted by mayuka Yoshikawa

  1. Here is the link how to install Windows 11 on Parallels w/ Apple M1, if any questions please feel free to ask me. https://youtu.be/pQRKrsKd8IU
  2. Might be fixed soon it seems to be based on KDE (says that)... lately Microsoft includes latest OSS (like Azure do) .
  3. Thanks intro. just posted about TPM mechanism on Windows 11 🙂 it still needs to treat as nervous issue because Microsoft prohibit hacking to Windows 11.
  4. Folks, Microsoft seems to give up to remove the howto blog posts to bypass TPM/Secureboot, so it may be the time to tell you the mechanism ( "I guess" ) how they work on Windows 11.Sorry Why I am late to disclose is Someone says Microsoft JP actually has reported some tutorial website as abuse to search listings and more. Checked to many posts and installed 10+ times to many of my machines (incl VMs) and some more interviews to PC Magazine writers, Secureboot seems to be not used in the insider preview, TPM is used for that but it is only scan the system while installation only as the 'software requirement' so if you bypass TPM in the way you can see in search listings almost old machines work well on Windows 11 except WSA (Windows Service for Android) or some features for Intel 10th or later edition. it may be needed intel latest memory use included on the latest..so Microsoft might recommend to use Windows 11 at least 10th Intel edition or later. Microsoft doesn't seem to solve the issues only on AMD CPUs(suddenly death by bluescreen or etc), though I haven't met on my Thinkpad E495. Frankly speaking, I DO NOT recommend to use AMD CPU on Windows (as Redhat DO NOT recommend RHEL on AMD) because there are weird issues you can see on search listings. if you plan to purchase new one I recommend Intel 10-11th Gen or later, NVIDIA GPU 3x Ampere , 16GB mem at least, NVMe High Performance DISK accelarations. Why does TPM only work for that? because it cannot be used in China and Russia - TCM should be used in China, Russia might have another way like TPM. I guess it is only for validate PC to install/update Windows 11 with secure. A couple years ago Microsoft had suspected many of Chinese PC hardware manufacturers might use 'fake'/'illegal' Windows OS they found there were tons of fakes there, but because of the business in China they had to permit many of Window 10 'fake' licenses there as 'official' licenses, that was pain story. lately many of Chinease (Shenzhen) PCs are exported all over the world, they may be nervous to the license use.Microsoft might discuss with Chinese Gov. to implement and deal with TCM how to validate PCs legally, it may need more time to reach the conclution. btw now I have a stream video how to install Windows 11 on Apple M1 on my youtube channel I will open later today for M1 users who eager to try Windows 11.if you are impatient to try Windows 11 on M1 please give a try. you can see the Parallels forum, though, they plan to develop fake TPM to install Windows for M1. Well I am wondering Microsoft requires Secureboot for Windows 11, though almost AntiVirus softwares require 'disable' Secureboot.... P.S. my E495 OS lately has changed CentOS stream with RHEL because of sudden death and broken rootfs..wondering why... Thanks you investigation and more comments. May
  5. Dear repliers, There are tons of the post for the knowledge how to install and magage Windows 11(Reddit and more), though, Microsoft (especially Microsoft Japan) is eager to remove such websites because they stongly prohibit 'the hack way' to install and manage with their 'proprietary license'.But they cannot completely prohibit because China and Russia cannot use Windows 11 if they do not the hack way. So I filed the documentation in Chinese (NOT Japanese/English and more) and took the instruction video on youtube but it is only invitation member only. if you would try Window 11 on Apple M1 please IM to me with your google account. I will tell the link (the video is non-voice but you will know how to do that once checking the video). Please note I will the video soon because of Microsoft fxxkn activities for Windows 11. Thanks for your investigations, May
  6. Just tried win11 for ARM w/ Parallels + MacOS BigSur on My Macbook Pro, assigned 8GB mem for that. need hack to bypass TPM 2.0. Microsoft now eager to shutoff the turoial websites by abuse reports to google and more.. it was a hard way to do that.
  7. We are looking forward to new Windows - 11, I would leave the note about specs/information and more. Please leave and share your knowledge if you have and feel free to discuss about that. With respect to Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft. -May
  8. Thanks chatting with me via twitter. It might be caused by IPS protection system by virus software. At worse it will go on working even though if you stopped or disable because those security software disable windows origin protection systems (windows firewall) to protect you from abuse crackers. In this case it may be risk, though, you should uninstall and purge virus software ( not using Windows uninstall, use uninstall tool by the vendors) , restart the systems, change your virus software with Windows defender, restart again, disable Windows defender , reinstall FS and start it. I have heard from Alchemy creator he got the develop certification from Microsoft that may have the signature apps to prevent from those firewall/virus software. hope it is helpful.
  9. Hi all, I've been trying on SL on Linux, (I don't like Windows actually and I prefer to use Mac but they has gone with Apple ARM silicon..) so I have a chance to borrow a PC from a vendor to try games on Linux and capture a video hope it is useful for you . Note Iris Plus is under development (kernel >5.7) and often hang rezzing the data. works good on it 3+ faster than old GPU (Intel HD6xx series)
  10. Make sense but it is really irregular use to use it for 'regedit proxy'. I would love to know what value I should modify for 'regedit' it is better than use such tool. Anyway I found this COMPUTER\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\secondlife\shell\open\command in regedit, I am sure it is the future by Microsoft WINDOWS 10, NOT Linden, it is really bad for us not to control in web browser settings, we may better use Firefox not Microsoft 'google-Chromium-modified' Edge.
  11. Hello, I met curious issue on the viewers I installed Firestorm viewer for instance use and today I would use SL official viewer via LM clicking from Microsoft Edge, says 'execute Firestorm?' on its pop message. I remove Firestorm viewer and reboot my win10 and click again, any popups doesn't appear due to hold old-settings on Edge so I remove and reinstall official viewer again, Edge works properly and popup works good for me to be able to execute viewer clicking it. Well, I cannot see popup setting on Microsoft Edge, where official/firestorm viewer overwrite settings for the popup on Microsoft edge? any settings for it? or I need to regedit?
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