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Sextoy Gynoid

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Everything posted by Sextoy Gynoid

  1. I can never have too many friends if you want to add me to your list. I'm mostly online in the evening time, SL clock.
  2. Some places will pay you to "camp" on a poseball for long durations of time, but you've pretty much named all the practical ways to come up with spendable amounts of cash. It's like they say, money don't grow on trees.
  3. Yep, you're begging for flames with that attitude. Perhaps a gentler approach would be a resolve to inform noobs about the display name option?
  4. There was a pretty big goth/emo scene here a few years ago, but sadly it's been pretty much driven to extinction. Most people these days are out to prove how conformist they can be, and they're doing well at it.
  5. When did they start letting minors use the main grid? Terrible, terrible idea.
  6. Ditch the attitude. If your cheap comp can't handle my lighting, go ahead and block me. You do realize that there's a very simple setting that allows you to turn off attached light sources, right? The self-import of some people blows my mind.
  7. I always enjoy meeting new people to explore or go dancing with. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  8. Can't you just disable dynamic LOD or something?
  9. I'm a big girl too, but don't seem to have the problems you are and I've never had to resort to buying a shape. Is the slider for "avatars" turned way down in your graphics settings, perhaps?
  10. I'm quite geeky and nerdy myself, with a soft spot for Anime, and always like to make new friends.
  11. Yeah, what she said. Social networks never let you change your unique name because it makes trolling way to easy, among other things. It has nothing to do with UUIDs or SQUUIDS or whatever.
  12. Ye speak o' blarney, every system uses this same rule. That's why there's a difference between a SCREEN name and a username. Now, if they wouldn't let you change your screen name, that would suck, but it's not the case.
  13. My life tends to be a bit more like a hentai than general anime, but I think my bff and I would share your interest in fashion and pop art!
  14. Until someone recognizes that real women have hips, I'll be a hater all the way.
  15. I'm pretty sure you can't sell anything for profit if it infringes on a copyright. So you can make, upload it, and use it, but you can't get paid for it.
  16. Well, I clicked the SL URL and it took me to a region hub. It doesn't quite seem like the right place...
  17. My chub. I just don't feel right in a skinny body.
  18. I can tell you from 6 years of escorting experience, posting ads on forums is just going to annoy people. Try going to Escort Oasis, it's laggy but good for newcomers.
  19. OMG, that's hilarious, I'm totally going to call them Spampires from now on!
  20. It kinda sounds like you were "Ruthed". Ruth was the original default avatar back in the beginning. You'll find many "de-ruthing" scripts around the metaverse for that exact problem. Clearing the cache is always a good idea to try when you get problems in your viewer. You'll have to restart for it to take effect.
  21. Sounds kinda like it was an unfinished sentence, like "...be my soul mate". Most definately one of those annoying vampires though.
  22. Picking a club with DJs who play the kinds of music you like is a good place to start. It gives you a common ground with the other people there, helps get a conversation started when you like the same bands and stuff.
  23. Strangers have the best candy though!
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