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Saphira Nuyasaka

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Everything posted by Saphira Nuyasaka

  1. Everything's needed. Our staff had a bit of a falling out so most of them are gone now (including all the problematic ones). This is an anime-themed club, so if you're a DJ, expect to be playing a lot of Japanese music, though we play a little of everything. If you're a dancer or host, having an anime avatar is a plus but not required. Also, if you're a dancer, while we do allow stripping we don't allow full nudity. Undies and bras (if applicable) must stay on. We do have a couple younger folk here given the nature of the club so we can't be a full blown strip joint. 90% of tips are yours to keep, events run two hours. Message myself or Mikuru Tsunenaga if you're interested and/or for more information, and when you do so, please let us know it's about CH within your first message. I get a lot of unwanted messages I usually ignore so please make your intent known within the first message.
  2. I apologize for double posting but my phone won't let me edit my previous post. Just because you've never heard of someone doesn't mean they're not famous. I hadn't heard of Charlie Sheen until all the memes about him were spawned, but that doesn't mean he wasn't famous before. Granted I don't know of that person, so for all I know you could be right about them not being famous.
  3. I also just noticed a bit of irony. As a "consequence" to creating this forum topic, I'm now a recognized resident. I know it's only a forum rank and doesn't actually mean anything, but I think the name is ironic to what I'm trying to not accomplish.
  4. Perhaps I should clarify. I didn't really mean famous in real life, I more-so meant how someone becomes famous within their community within SL and sometimes their community outside SL. I was tired when I posted this topic so I didn't explain as well as I should have. For example, if you're a furry you've probably heard of Artica Sparkle. She's a good example of someone who's well known within their SL community and famous among various furry sites. If you're into anime avatars you've probably heard of Utilizator or Gantz Nishi (I already know how they got well known among their community, but still. Examples.) The problem is I have no idea how some of them got well known (Artica for example, I don't think she's a major content creator, sim owner, etc.) and I'd like to avoid whatever people like that have done to become well known. My best guess for Artica is she's visually or sexually appealing in some way. I know there's many other examples of people famous in their community like Artica but I can't think of many off the top of my head right now. Still tired, just waking up and all.
  5. As most of you probably know, there's some people who are known all across SL, and sometimes the internet. I'm curious, how does this usually happen? Is it that their avatars are very unique and appealing, is it that they're a good artist and draw their character often and it got popular... What is it? I'm actually asking for the opposite reason you might think. A LOT of people have been gawking over my avatar regularly, offering to make me free profile pictures and even in some case draw it for free, among other things which I'd rather not repeat here, and I'd honestly rather avoid being internet famous. I don't like too much attention I need to know what NOT to do that now-famous avatars have done previously. The most logical choice would be to not go out in public, but then I'd be incredibly bored, as well as changing my avatar... But I hate being ugly.
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