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Everything posted by machinus

  1. Witam. Jestem studentką Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach. Prowadzę badania na temat promocji w SL. Chciałam Was serdecznie zaprosić do wzięcia udziału w moim badaniu: www.wbadanie.pl/ankieta/247334191/ . Będę bardzo wdzięczna za podzielenie się ze mną Waszymi opiniami. Wyniki badań publikuję na https://www.facebook.com/pages/Second-Life-Badanie/138504252947663.
  2. Thank you for your post and filling in the questionnaire. I didn't expect soo many details. The idea of this survey is to see if promoting real- life stuff in virtual world has any sense to any kind of company. I will try to draw a conclusion about what might be efficient for real- life companies but I expect the results will show more about what is inefficient.
  3. The first part of the survey refers to any company advertising itself inside SSL. Starting from question no. 7 it is about real-life companies.
  4. Thank you for your remarks. The true is I'm not a specialist at SL, but I'm fascinated with a topic. That's why I'm making this reseach and I'm asking you for your opinion. I improved the survey. It's now avaliable at: www.wbadanie.pl/ankieta/247535484/
  5. Hi, I am a last year student at the University of Economics in Katowice (Poland). Currently, I am carrying out a formal research on promotion inside Second Life. I'm really interested in your opinion about it and I would like to invite you to take part in my survey: www.wbadanie.pl/ankieta/247535484/ If you have any suggestions or additional remarks, just write. Thank you for your help.
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