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Rufferta Mainlander

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Everything posted by Rufferta Mainlander

  1. True Fact: You can get inside Mount G'al, but you have to be careful because trespassers are sometimes sacrificed to the volcano. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mahulu/111/117/134
  2. After spending time at Jopsy Pendragon's excellent Particle Laboratory Tutorial my brain was full, so I tried the balloon tours. (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Teal/199/66/301 Beginning part of tutorial ) The Well of Lost Souls demonstrates what can be achieved using particle effects. (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Slate/156/71/21 Well of Lost Souls) Avatar is wearing a mixture of "Choose Your Avatar" clothing, except for the Sasha hair.
  3. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Certamen/161/238/62 The Science Fiction Con is so full of interesting things that it was hard to choose what to photograph. Here is my avatar* dressed for the occasion, sitting in what is labelled "Nia's Stupid Construction Site". *"Borot" avatar by Magnum Yoshikawa from New Kowloon. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife//104/31/24
  4. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bellisseria Fairgrounds/156/218/31 Zoo-Palooza
  5. I am not a constant visitor, but I always look forward to Fantasy Faire and the Second Life Birthday celebrations and seeing what is new. I think that Second Life is steadily improving, if you look back a few years and compare then to now. On the other hand, I appreciate that Second Life still preserves some of the older technology, and it has a history.
  6. Here's a clue - Kahruvel Forest is also called Rodeo Forest. The log path goes up and down.
  7. My first read of the article was a put-off. Too many big words and concepts. Too many mistakes. The article mentions three SL residents by name, and I was able to find two of them on search and see that they were experienced users. I think she should have asked them to proof-read and fact-check her article, but that's me. The article is very good from a techno wizard god-in-the-machine perspective. I hope it will make some readers curious enough to visit.
  8. Bloomin Mole placed this "log path" in 2009. It is near, but not in, Kahruvel Forest.
  9. The hippo statue is in Gali-Gali in Mare Secundus, http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gali-Gali/126/188/5
  10. Just wanted to comment that, due to the way terraforming works, you can't really "dig" in Second Life. That's why in Second Life things like caves and rock arches are created by using what I call "Landscape prosthesis". I don't know if it is still there, but Builder's Brewery used to have a sandbox where you could practice terraforming and learn about the limits. (Still there: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Builders Brewery Sandbox/228/228/25; however, for some reason it wouldn't let me terraform......) I've always thought of 'terraforming' in Second Life as akin to pushing up and down on fixed points on a stiff rubber sheet - you get curves rather than nice square edges. As to "why we shouldn't allow terraforming in Belli" you might want to visit some of the "Color" Regions (Green, etc...) to see what happens when 40+ or 40- terraforming is allowed.
  11. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chicagon/220/82/104 Not a perfect parcel. The land slopes downward, and even strong terraforming won't bring it level with the road. There's not a lot of room for a structure, but you could add to the square footage by asking Linden Lab to sell you all or part of the abandoned land on three sides*. (See: How to Buy Abandoned Land). (On the photo, the abandoned 5536 parcel is outlined in black, the parcel for sale is in green. Structures not included. I bought a larger parcel in an area I had been watching for a long time, but now realize I don't have enough time to do everything. *I'm not promising they will do that, or that if they do, that they will slice it the way you want it.
  12. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Yongma/28/54/105 The parcel has a gentle slope towards the road with no barriers for access.
  13. Something for 'kid's only' would be nice, sorta like Teen Second Life was. Maybe restrict it to avatars that are 'pre-puberty'.
  14. Excellent idea. Right now, if you drive Southwest in Soulgiver, you get to a tunnel where a teleport takes you to Ogilvie! If the road was connected through the abandoned land, the roadside parcels of abandoned land could be sold at auction and drivers would not be forced to teleport.
  15. I miss: Earl Dinkins - he had several quite interesting locations displaying his art and poetry. Simple Wunderlich - One day his "Simple's Zoo" and other builds just disappeared. Ub Yifu - I think he left Second Life because some of his work was being copybotted. Let us appreciate those creators who remain.
  16. I've never had a last name, but I noticed that "Fairelander" is now a temporary option, and it. got me to thinking that I might buy "Mainlander" if it was available.
  17. Many good parcels seem to be going for a song on the SL Auctions. If you just want a place to call home, a minimum bid on a 512 is $L500, on a 1024 is $L550, and on a 2048 is $L1050. My alt had tier going to waste so I bid on a 1024 in Lota, and got it for L$590. It has the best and worst views in the Mainland. I had a structure in my inventory (Barnesworth Anubis' La Jolla house) and was able to modify it, and rotate it to fit the parcel. Here's a secret - after a week I no longer minded the neighborhood clutter. I remember my Mom telling me "After a week on the mantelpiece, a sock becomes part of the decor." Don't be afraid to try living on the Mainland. Parcel in green. Typical Mainland view from one window (Hi def view). Not shown: a low skybox and some "giant prim" architecture". On the other side, just hillside and sky. Far below, part of the Lunalis small-gauge railroad. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lunalis/206/232/103
  18. Another 'Lazy Sunday' sale. This item only available on the Marketplace, ad does not give an expiration date. 75 Lindens at least for today. Fundati Ash Premium Ash Tree Set. No season change HUD, but items can be resized. All animated. Ash Trees viewed from 35 meters. From left to right: A is 12 LI, B is 10 LI, and C is 9 LI. The ground branches (one of a set of three) in front are 1 LI. Ash trees from 35 meters. Beautiful trees up close. I've used them close to a building on a smaller parcel.
  19. Lazy Sunday through August 29th - On Cube Republic Marketplace for 175 Lindens - Fatpack contains three folders with Mountain Oaks, Pans Oak, and Old Oak Trees. All have foliage changing HUD for five seasons and some come with or without bases. From left to right - Mountain Oak (one of five versions) Pans Oak Redux 2022 - 34 LI - has HUD to change tree foliage and lantern color - the lanterns ( 1 LI) can be rezzed on their own. CR Old Oak Tree - 33 LI Above - Mountain Oak, Pans Oak, and Old Oak Tree - closer photo Above - Mountain Oak, Pans Oak, and Old Oak Tree from 78 meters. Above - five versions of Mountain Oak from left to right 1 -24LI, 2 - 11LI, 3- 17LI, 4 -18 LI, 5 - 14 LI 4th is the five kinds of Mountain Oaks 70 meters These are high LI items, but look beautiful. What I have done when landscaping is use a 'focus' tree near the front, and then fill in the background with low Land impact trees. Snapshots have not been gimped except to cut the images to size so they don't crash computers.
  20. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Playful Paradise/10/147/22 I saw some interesting things in the Slept on Sales ad, so I went to look at Dabble & Evergreen. I am hoarding my Lindens right now, so didn't buy anything to try out, but thought that folks who are landscaping 'desert' ranches might be interested in the cactus and other decor. The items on the far wall are all L$75 to L$99. I especially liked the planter with the scorpion.
  21. Thank you and Sabrina Cooke for the suggestions. I'll try them!
  22. My avatar is wearing the Senra head and body, but with different skin and accessories. BUT - I can't get rid of the toenails...I've tried different alphas. Any suggestions?
  23. I appreciate that you go to the trouble of looking for items appropriate for Bellisseria, stage them, photograph them, and post articles about them. I've found quite a few items I would otherwise have overlooked by following this thread. My complaint is with creators who copy each others' designs rather than making things that are more authentic. A proper egg basket should be easy to carry, easy to reach into, and easy to clean. Obviously, some designers have never been pecked by a broody hen....
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