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Posts posted by Kinjuh

  1. Hi there,

    I'm Kinjuh, new resident (6 days more or less), and so far i think SL is ******* awesome. I love customisation in games, and i'm in heaven here.

    Love what i've seen on this post, especially the droogy :P

    So here's the stuff i made that i'm the proudest of, btw she's fine in her head !...and she needs a good looking baseball bat, and doll make up, you know spot on the cheeks, white face that kind of stuff  ^^. I searched for hours on the marketplace, but with little luck, if someone could orientate me, i would be really grateful...

    I found 2 days ago some awesome shops, but the clothes i buyed before kinda were nooby stuff, they ended up looking like **** except some. Tell me what you think:

    and excuse my english.







    Sorry, couldn't post the pics directly

    Photos were taken in my house, a little empty i know :x

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