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Everything posted by d3vilsAngel

  1. OK I know this has been asked before but I can not find a reason for mine doing it, everything except eyes and attachments are invisible to me and everyone else. I have tried everything on this site...http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Invisible_Avatar. Nothing there works. It doesn't happen all the time only every once in a while. And only with the skin I was currently wearing, if I change to a cheap skin it works fine. If anyone has any advice that's not on that site that would be awesome! Oh and also changing my shape works but the face doesn't look right with the skin. I don't have on an Alfa, and I don't know how to derender the skin. Everything seems to be giving me a hard time today, but this invisible thing has happened twice before. I finally just put on another shape that looked decent with the face and edited the body. idk what else to do.
  2. d3vilsAngel


    thank you very much! the snowglobe works, but now i realized i apparently dont have a graphics card lol thanks again tho!
  3. d3vilsAngel


    My computer does not have SSE2 support and i am going nuts. I have tried all the other TPV but none work. I haven't been able to play for about two months now. And i don't have the money for a new computer. Is there anyway to download one of the first SL viewers? :matte-motes-stress:
  4. http://www.phoenixviewer.com/downloads.php this is the phoenix viewer and it works....i have been trying to fix the same problem all day...download this!!
  5. I am having the same problem. I have windows 7 and if u find a way to fix it that works for you let me know plz
  6. I just tried all of that and none of it works.
  7. I dont know if it had an auto update, and i dont know how to use an earlier release. i am running only one firewall. i am using a wireless connection. it was working just a few hours ago...i was playing when it said it was logging me off and then when i tried to get back on it gave me the error. and yes i have turned everything off and back on again.
  8. Ok so i already asked a question about the DNS problem and i have done everything and nothing works. this really need to get fixed! changing the DNS adresses doesnt work for me either and i really need help has anyone on windows 7 been able to fix this and how?
  9. HELP! i cant log in. i have tried clearing my cache and it didnt work, i have also restarted my computer, reinstalled the viewer. and nothing is working and i have not messed with any of the settings so they are all still on default. When i try to log in it says "Login Failed DNS could not resolve the host name." Someone please help!! Oh and i can still connect to the website!
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