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Everything posted by Randxoxo

  1. Hello, if you have a good experiance with photoshop,3d and mesh and have free time that you like to be part of some project inworld please msg me for more information inworld: randxoxo Thank
  2. Hello, Im looking for cometics store business parrtner, if you are interested please msg me inworld or send me a note card to " randxoxo " and i will give you all required infortmation. Thanks
  3. Hello, I wonder if anyone is interested in helping setting up and running a store inworld for "cosmetic". The store is starting up so in near furture i will be able to pay, for now i need help in setting up products, photoshop and photography if possible. If you may be interested, please send me a msg or notecard inworld to "randxoxo" Thanks :)
  4. Hello, im looking for a mesh creator with reasonable prices for a very tiny small project. If you are interested please let me know in-world (randxoxo). Thank you
  5. Hello, Im looking for an expert in ps who is good with texturing/matching colors/blending. Please if you are msg me in world (username: randxoxo) This is a one time of thing/ this position is paid. Thank you
  6. Hello, Im looking for a good quality mesh builder to build me a skybox, please if you are interested msg me In-world.
  7. Hello, im looking for a builder with a reasonable prices, for a simple sky box, if interested IM me in-world with the same username. Thanks
  8. Hello, im looking for a mesher to create good quality mesh items (they are few) This is a paid position. If you are interested please IM me in world with the same name: randxoxo Thank you
  9. Hello, this position is for a store marketing manager. I would love someone with at least some experience in marketing specially with women fashion..etc Payment will be discussed upon meeting. If you are interested please IM me inworld: randxoxo Thank you
  10. Hello Im looking for someone who have good experience in marketing to put a plan for me. If you think you are, please msg me in-world with same username as my name here. This position is paid. thank you
  11. SLokemon Go BETA RELEASE IS LOOKING FOR TESTERS! Launching in October 3, 2016. If you are interested, please SignUp here: www.SLokemonGO.com 8 days left for the launch, SignUp now!! 
  12. SLokemon Go BETA RELEASE IS LOOKING FOR TESTERS! Launching in October 3, 2016. If you are interested, please SignUp here: www.SLokemonGO.com 8 days left for the launch, SignUp now!! 
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