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Everything posted by jwenting

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: jwenting wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: I don't understand how they can make the claim "total privacy." Parcel Privacy operates vertically, not horizontally. they probably have some sort of relayed orb system that provides a 256x256x64m bubble and autobans everyone who's not on the access list without warning time. I guess part of it would be how you define "total." If my neighbors, meaning those living below or above me, can still perv cam me, then I wouldn't consider it "total." But that's just my opinion. true, but the only way to prevent that is to own the complete region outright (from LL, not some rental agency, as their estate managers can get in despite any orbs), then set up an orb with full sim reach. That's the only way to prevent people tp'ing in above the eject limits of the orb (and even then, not sure if you can tp in on a region at >5000m which is the upper limit at which an orb can eject). And of course make sure you delete the sample names from the orb access/admin lists, which tend to be those of the orb creator.
  2. or op and the person modding both buy the FP outfit and textures, then OP reimburses the modder for that as well as the effort. Expensive, of course.
  3. Phil Deakins wrote: It's not unknown for people to claim untrue things in order to get a replacement for something they still have. The method may be doing the rounds at the moment. yup, encounter that a lot. Or they claim their "other account" has been compromised and would we please "transfer" the no-trans stuff from that to this new alt. Which in itself is a scam, either they just want a freebie for the alt account, or they're trying to steal from someone else (we've of course no way of checking if avatar1 is indeed an alt of avatar2 when 2 comes and asks for 1s stuff).
  4. OzwellWayfarer wrote: I would say that under the new TOS, LL are now obliged to do nothing, even if you file a DCMA. yes, by law they can't act on DMCA reports filed by people who are not the owners of the intellectual property. This to prevent blatant harassment of people filing dozens or hundreds of reports against people they just don't like.
  5. iCade wrote: Cerise Sorbet wrote: iCade wrote: what is more likely? LL giving them the go ahead? Or them blatantly lying? The second, of course. LL doesn't commit to anything like that, and by now I'd expect that everybody knows "no way that the files can be recorded, or exported out of SL" is hogwash. You'd be surprised. Obviously, the one in charge of a rather large sales group believed them that it was legal as they kept promoting them. I wrote them again today, and the above was the justification of it. How someone can believe it's legal to buy a song off amazon and sell it in SL and claim LL allows it is beyond me, but disturbingly enough,it's a true story. 1) it's not legal and they know it. They just make up excuses for themselves to justify their piracy. Nothing new there. 2) LL by law can't take action against it unless the content owner (the original artist) files a claim. As a random consumer you can't do that, all you can do is contact the original artist and alert them (or the record company). 3) this has nothing to do with SL, it's rampant all over the internet and outside in the real world as well. When I did customer support for a game company for a while we had regular forays into eBay to find and report CDs containing pirated copies of our products.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: I don't understand how they can make the claim "total privacy." Parcel Privacy operates vertically, not horizontally. they probably have some sort of relayed orb system that provides a 256x256x64m bubble and autobans everyone who's not on the access list without warning time.
  7. Dresden Ceriano wrote: jwenting wrote: the voice the others hear is your voice. Um... not necessarily... Voice Morphing. ...Dres true, but if you're asking a basic question like this, it's extremely unlikely you're using something like that. And if you were, the question would be off topic here as it'd relate to the morphing software you're using.
  8. And you get roughly half that $10 a month back in the 300L$ per week you receive. It's a good deal, until you find you want a bigger house than the Linden Home (or a design they don't offer). Or yes, you can use SL without paying LL a subscription fee (I do that now, after a year of premium I moved on to something bigger).
  9. the voice the others hear is your voice. Only way to not hear that is if you're deaf or if you're wearing very dense headphones that block out all external sound. First case there's very little you can do. Second you have to get another headset.
  10. Awe Thor wrote: Did you know that Rod Humble, in a public interview a year or so ago, said that his son enjoyed Second Life. His son was born in 2001. Do the math, then next time you get an underager on your sim, send in an AR mentioning that you hope it wasn't Rod's kid. given that being under 16 he's not supposed to be in second life, as per the TOS, I'd indeed AR the kid. Given that LL doesn't allow anyone under 8 in M and A rated regions, and I visit those exclusively, I'd AR him even if he were 16.
  11. Awe Thor wrote: If such an exploit was possible, do you really believe that the originator would be so stupid as to explain how it was done, in public, for free? given the nature of most amateur hackers (and pros wouldn't bother), yes. They're in it for the notoriety, the glory. And most of them aren't bright enough to realise that bragging about crimes is likely to get you arrested.
  12. Did you read the contract/covenant? Many rental agencies require you to prepay at least a week, often 2 weeks or more first time. Seems from your story that you didn't, and they indeed have just such a rule.
  13. hmm, she wants to live in a neighbourhood but not a private estate? There's not many residential areas like that on the mainland, except the Linden Home regions (and most people who have one of them use them mostly as a dressing room and little else). There's a few big cities, but most plots there have been snagged up by stores, land barrons renting them out in little bits for tiny skyboxes stacked 10 high, and people using them to put up advertising bilboards for their clubs and stores elsewhere.
  14. landbots grab things irrespective of price almost, depending on location. Been outbid by them on several land auctions that ran at over 10L$ per meter (yes, I kept bidding them up, though tbh I'd not have bid them up to more than what I was prepared to pay myself).
  15. @Drake according to the access rules for A rated (and M rated, but people tend to forget that) land in SL you have to be 18 years old. Based on that most sim owners, to avoid trouble, will demand all their visiting avatars appear to be at least 18 years old as well, hence the definition of "child avatar" includes "teen avatar" as well, de facto or de jure is irrelevant in that as the sim owners' rules extend the TOS, thus making the law more strict. As to "teens can't go there anyway", we all know how easy it is to circumvent the age checks on account signup (and there's no way to make them harder to circumvent without shutting off a large part of the world from signing up at all). I moderate several A rated sims, we get 2-3 minors per week at least (mostly either bragging about it in their profiles and/or identified as such because they are clearly recognisable as such on voice, as well as through behaviour). During school vacations that goes up to 5+ per day. And that doesn't include child avatars, of which we catch maybe 1-2 per week at most, the majority of which apologise and switch to something more appropriate. I wish there were ways to allow all those people, as long as they don't cause trouble, as many of them are probably very nice people to chat with, but it's simply too risky for us (and for LL as well, because of the legal implications) even though at least part of our A rated places restrict what goes on there to the level LL sets for M rated places).
  16. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Locating you on a totally picked at random region suggests that you have them as a Friend and have given them the Locate on Map permission. So, who in your friends list has this setting, because they may have an ALT that is tracking you. Or just random chance, or she found a place she ended up liking in someone else's profile and now keeps running into that person as they just happen to both hang out and the same venues a lot.
  17. that totally depends on the area. Can go from 0.1 L$ per square meter to thousands of L$ per square meter (though more realistic pricing hovers between 0.5 and roughly 100, the higher prices coming on seaside parcels, some mountain tops, and other prime locations like that).
  18. Madeline Blackbart wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Nielso wrote: As said before, it might be a cultural thing though. America is the land of possibilities. Everything is allowed, everyone is free. You can own guns, you can play GTA V and torture people to death etc. I must have missed where torture, even to death, was allowed. Me to. I was born here in NJ. Maybe NJ is just to liberal for the torture thing? But I live in PA now and I'm pretty sure torture still isn't allow here either. We do all own guns though. Hunting is rather popular. Though not hunting people....last I checked. liberals claim that a judge not convicting a guy of murder who killed in self defense is equivalent to that judge confirming that hunting people for sport is legal... Which is of course utter nonsense, but there's always someone who'll believe utter nonsense.
  19. Syo Emerald wrote: Seriously, thats silly. Next thing you tell me I'm not allowed to have a virtual pet, because their might be someone who is allergic to animalhair and can't have a cat or dog because of that. If I would meet someone who gets offended because of such things....well then they deserve it. I've actually heard that claimed... And yes it's silly, and a clear indication of how deep our society has sunk when such is the attitude of people that they consider it logical that because they can't have something for whatever reason nobody else should be allowed to have it either. As to child avatars, it's indeed because of how they tend to act. And to prevent the sim owner getting into trouble with them. As you no doubt know a lot of furniture and other items in SL have "naughty" poses in them. A child avatar anywhere near such an item is a violation of the TOS, and in the past (and maybe still) people have abused that by jumping into a region with some child avatars, enjoy in some "naughty play", make screenshots, and file a report against the sim owner for allowing that. By having a policy to not allow child avatars at all on a sim, and policing it, sim owners have some defense against that, in that they can state correctly that the child avatars were there in violation of the access rules set up for the region.
  20. someone probably misunderstood your report as your account webpage not working Best thing to do with a Linden Home: keep things indoors except maybe some plants and garden furniture (for those houses with a porch) and keep those neutral in style.
  21. Orca Flotta wrote: Without unions most of us ... would work 16 hours/day 7 days/week couldn't afford the computers to type out spoiled selfish anti-socialist unsolidaric slogans wouldn't even be educated enough to think of those stupid anti-unionist conclusions nope. Without unions most of us... would work the same we do now. would earn more doing so. would have more time to spend on things we like because we'd spend less time waiting needlessly for unionised bureaucrats who're once again on strike or in interminable union meetings. ... in fact the only people worse off would be union execs who'd not have the posh lifestyle of the rich and famous they now live from the union fees paid by their members.
  22. I think a major question would be "why do you expect people to find your profile worth checking out again and again for changes if you yourself can't even be bothered to change it yourself".
  23. hmm, maybe they've cleaned up then since I last was there, which was some time ago.
  24. Gaeline and nCore are good. Tried Slink, didn't like the shape of the feet, the toes are just unnatural imo. Same with Gos (plus they are if I remember correctly a lot more expensive). Best you can do is get demos from all, and just try for yourself which you like best. As to skin appliers, nice in theory but most of the skin vendors I have on any of my avatars have no skin appliers for any of the brands, so it hardly matters. Yes, I don't use skins from the big name vendors mostly
  25. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Can i ask why you have Mama Allpa listed in the description of your club? Do people really go to clubs to get pregnant? What has SL devolved to? guess OP is the one guilty of false advertising, putting invalid search terms in her club description in order to drive traffic there...
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