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yves Braveheart

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Everything posted by yves Braveheart

  1. Hello Welcome to the club. I have had the same problem a month ago. I resolved it by disintalling sl and the driver of the video card. Then reinstall the original driver for the video card and reintalled sl and it worked. howerver 2 days ago i emptied cache using advance seting in sl and bang, vfs initialization crash again. This time the above cure does not work and i have no clue how to get this fixed now. I would like to get in touch with SL for technical help but dont know how to get a hold of anybody there. A very annoying problem. You literally have to buy a new comp to make it work again. Clearly there is a relation between cache and video driver. Gota desk top with 4.00gb ram, 9800 nvdia video card, hp dual core 3800+ processor amd athlon
  2. Hi I tried this and worked: disinstall sl, disinstall the driver of video card, use softweare like CLEANER to clean up any left over parts. shut down compt, Turn on comp, reload with ORIGINAL video driver from the company that made your video card. Then load sl, Shut down compt and turn on again and it worked. However , a month later as i manually emptied cache with sl, vfs initialization came back and at the time i am writing this, the solution above did not work again. However reading other blog, there is clearly a relation between video driver and cache,
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