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Everything posted by glitterbug212

  1. Thanks, I know im the first to admit I dont know enough about SL, I am trying to learn! My whole diss is not on SL only a small section. Any crtistism is constructive to me :-) Thanks all for filling out!
  2. Hi I totally can see where you are coming from. I have tried to navigate my way around with great difficulty, I don't have as much time as I would like to get involved and really use SL at this present time as I am trying to get a degree, let me tell you final yr is no walk in the park. So as much as I would really like to do what you say at this time its not gonna happen until I graduate. So spare me a break please, IM trying my best.
  3. Hi guys http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RRN9QRP I am doing some research on Second life and Identity for my dissertation. I would really appreciate it if some of you could fill out the survey attached. I need 50 people to answer and all of your answers will really help for me to get a better insight to SL. Please don't be afraid to write loads if you can! I love hearing peoples opinions and it will help me to get through this lengthly process of my degree. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RRN9QRP Thanks x
  4. Hi Thankyou :-) sorry im very new to this so im still figuring out how it all works, its nice when some people like you take the time to help you unlike those above who want to hinder.
  5. Hi guys Can anyone help me out i tried to post up a questionaire about SL for research purposes for my disserattion at uni. I posted up the link and said I would give the most constructive answer returned would win a cash prize. I got a message from modorerator saying i was spamming and my post was being deleted. I emailed the guy back but he hasnt replied and I want to repost it but dont want to get blocked off or worse banned. Can anyone tell me what I was doing wrong as I need some responces asap from my survey. thanks
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