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Posts posted by Roseumie

  1. I am in complete shock and disgusted on how people are talking nonsense about the Lindens. Most all having been practically begging one way or another for a major change on SL, however it may be, and we finally got it. They did not have to do this for all of us. I am sure there are new changes soon to come that was on people's wish list. One thing at a time. Most of us wanted a community, we have many now, with more to come 'soon' xD We should be thanking them, not scolding them. Everyone will get their new home. And yes I have one just from yesterday, and I almost didn't get one. I got one thankfully when there was only 20 left xD whew!  But I stayed up all night just excited and enjoyed that almost everyone came together and celebrated this new beginning. Thank you LL for all that you do. This is amazing. 



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  2. There is going to be other designs of homes made as well. Everything will balance out, and everyone will eventually get their choosing. I am curious what the other designs are going to be. Maybe Sci Fi 😮 ?? I personally would love to live in a UFO 🤩

  3. I'm sure once any holiday comes up, people will be decorating. Once I get a home, I will be doing Halloween and Christmas decor for sure. There are many 1 prim or low prim landscaping items for sale. If you want snow/grass/mud/ice/lava, put it on your parcel. 😎

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