Bridge Meadows Rural Roleplay Community. A Grwoing community of 2 sims based upon a back woods town in up state New York. Come vist this highly detailed sim group and imerse yourself in the back woods down homw country feel. Theres plent of things to do! Visit the local tatoo ship and get some ink. Go play paintball at our custom built paintball/feild ball feild. Those dont fancy you? Visit the arcade and verse your friends in some friendly games! Looking for more adult themed fun? Go to the bar! Veiw the hottest girls this side of the state!!!! Wanna do somthing illegal? Start a still and smuggle moonshine!! Or if you really wanna be a redneck hit one of the many off road 4x4 trails threw out the sims! There plenty to do. Civic service jobs are still avalible as well. Such as Police, Fire, Medical, Court staffin, DPW. So come on down! Search Friday Harbor in the search pannel!! **NOTE** This is a meter required sim please upon entry to the sim read the rules and grab a health system. THIS IS NOT THE PREVIOUS FRIDAY HARBOR, THIS IS ALL NEW MANAGEMENT AND STAFFING.