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Posts posted by Cyhtleen



    i’ve experienced a significant drop in LaraX sales, starting last week — around 80%. Has anyone else noticed a similar trend or knows what’s going on? It seems like some major players may have finally entered the LaraX market and flooded it, which could be the cause.

    Any thoughts or ideas on this?



  2. Hello everyone,

    I've experienced a massive drop in sales starting last week. It's about four times lower than the average from previous weeks. A friend of mine is facing the same issue.

    Has anyone else noticed a similar problem?


    • Like 1
  3. Jordan Reyne playe again at the Morlocks Revenge Pub.


    Despite the fact that no two albums are entirely the same, presses internationally have come up with descriptions to lend a hand  - from "industrial-tinged folk rock"  and  “antipodean steampunk” (Children of a Factory Nation and How the Dead Live), to "Urban found sound meets celtified electronica" (The Annihilation Sequence and Passenger) to "creepy, dark industrial" (The Ironman and Birds of Prey) and "Experimental sci fi for the criminally existential" (The Loneliest of Creatures):


    At the Morlocks Revenge Pub !!!!

    The Morlock's Revenge Pub       


    25.06  1pm slt

  4. That was realy great !!! Yesterdays presentation from [I]Somehow Peccable [/I]!!

    but look at the pics:






    [I]11am SLT (7pm gmt): Peter Brunel Veliz - (presentation)
    noon SLT (8pm gmt): [B]Jordan Reyne[/B] (live music)
    1pm SLT (9pm gmt) Drones and Drums - (live music)
    2pm SLT (10pm gmt): Party!

    and look at

    Lancaster BLog


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