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Everything posted by Alishen

  1. This has done nothing but enrich sales event owners at the same time breaking them long term. Now that weekend sales events have turned the clothing market into a 60L value to most it's finally starting to show at the monthly events. By my math clothing vendors at the events I visit and use to take part of are down 20% overall attendance by regular vendors. I can not spend 30 hours in blender and zbrush to sell a object after for 60L$, I started selling my DAE files to 4 vendors I know for years and took out my in world and MP. I now only have 3 of the 4 lefts as she stated she have to buy 10 things a week and sell 500 them at 60L if she wants to make a profit and in a week that is not possible. I no longer play SL to gain L$ as it would take me working day and night to make 1/2 of what I can make using that times for other jobs. Sad to see things go they way they have in SL over the past year, I watched people who owned regions to sell their products with 30k a week adds on them close their in world, put their products on MP and basically walk away only checking once and a while to see how things are.
  2. nvm, i reset the region and it works.
  3. So i know how to use list, this has always worked in the past for me. touch_start(integer total_number) { list stuff = llParseString2List((string)llGetObjectDesc(),[":"], []); who = llDetectedKey(0); vector pos = llDetectedTouchST(0); integer link = llDetectedLinkNumber(0); Pos = ((llFloor((pos.x*1)*x)/1)*(integer)y)+llCeil(pos.y*y); { if(link == 5){ if(~llListFindList(player, [who])) { // do somthing llSay(0,"do something"); }else{ llSay(0,"this is the list key residing in the player list - "+llDumpList2String(player,",")); llSay(0,"this is the the clickers key, we looking for - "+(string)who); } } } my uid key is added to the list after a payment, the list is player as you see in the llDumpList2String(player,",")); I should get llSay(0,"do something"), as my key is clearly in the list, also I tried it with if(llListFindList(player, [who]) == -1) { // key not in list llSay(0,"this is the list key residing in the player list - "+llDumpList2String(player,",")); llSay(0,"this is the the clickers key, we looking for - "+(string)who); also I make the key a string and trimmed it for white spaces before placing in the list feeling that might be it, but still no. }else{ //key in list // do somthing llSay(0,"do something"); } every time I run the function it can not find the key in the list, but as you see in my debug message my key is in the list and my key is the clicker.. [05:41] Alishen - Cho-han Game: this is the list key residing in the player list - 69282ae3-173d-414b-959a-8ca337a17d17 [05:41] Alishen - Cho-han Game: this is the the clickers key, we looking for - 69282ae3-173d-414b-959a-8ca337a17d17
  4. Thank you, I been locked in a house going oon 5 weeks, I probably would have seen the silly in the normal mind set.
  5. I am trying to compare 2 integers , trying to see if one is higher than the other. So far I have failed, any help would be great. integer Spin_Number; integer Lucky_Number; integer rand(integer min, integer max) { return min + (integer)(llFrand(max - min + 1)); } default { state_entry() { Lucky_Number = rand(1,20); Spin_Number = rand(1,20); { if((Lucky_Number == Spin_Number ) && ((Lucky_Number >= Spin_Number))) llSay(0,"Spin_Number Is Higher then Lucky_Number, You Win!"); else llSay(0,"Spin_Number Is Lower then Lucky_Number, You Lost"); } } on_rez(integer h){llResetScript();} }
  6. How hard is it to take the contents to inventory, take the box back and simply move it to the folder you just obtained by opening the box..Now you have a back up that be easily found in the same folder of the product you just broke trying to edit it. A 199- 299 sale is less than a US dollar after the fees to advertise, your time involved, upload cost, even a 1999 sale is really about 3.95 after cash-out fees, advertising cost, did you know adds on the main page is 2,999.00 a month, landing page is 899, free page is 799 and most tend to buy all three every 30 days per product(image if you have 100), land cost, upload cost..months that only 3 sells not even paying to add cost .. finally, after a looooong time of adds, updates, time in-game, and many uploads things finally get moving in sales...just to cover the cost if your lucky ...after a much longer time you start to see profit, but after the in world land cost used for building...how many quality products are made in public sandboxes...none.so let's add in land cost..oh let's remember good products have websites... more fees...so the 199-1999 product really cost the maker...10,000L to get the attention it needs to sell for a profit. I can tell you 80% of the things sold on marketplace you enjoy after all the cost and time it takes to get attention on that flooded platform made the creator 0 profits, even high-quality products take time to start selling making creators keep every cent in world to keep being able to pay the marketing cost, word of mouth is great but it takes years to gain that in SL until then creators just pay and pay and pay to chase the L$ dragon. You just a bunch of inconsiderate aholes that make a post like this, and anyone replying with an agreement.
  7. just a note the perk of paying for advertising is the effect of traffic count , a number many people take into consideration when choosing a destination to visit, also it's stated in the SL wiki guide to selling in world as a perk of paying for advertising, LL littory in the wiki they wright list it as a reason to buy adds... so yeah it is...
  8. That is the strange part, they are buying objects, trying demos and my server will shows sales, demo sales at the number of 20/30 a day so they must be spending time in the shop.For 3 years 20/30 people a day would give me about 800 traffic count.My greeter only tracks at 10 meter distance from the landing and the shop is in the sky so the traffics been correct until the past 2 days.
  9. my land traffic shows 0 but my greeter and sales on land shows 25/30+ visitors per day. This been going on for 2 days. Anyone know anything about these types of issues? Should I report it as it's mainland sim and I guess I would have to contact LL as it's not a island .Any advice would be appreciated, I hate paying for ads and not getting the traffic count im paying marketing add cost for.
  10. Wow some of you need a clean diaper .The game is 0 like bloodlines and biting is a non point effect that I doubt will be much of a issue.It is more based on building dark families with points for family tree size and combat that dose not rez anything and is more dark magic.I see a great game about to be released and I will be more then happy to support it! If you had signed up for the beta testing and read the facebook before you just jumped on people the forums might be a place people use more then a handful of you with 1000s of negative post.
  11. Tiny Shiny Things!! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  12. I live in FL,I surf a lot and just had 3 friends over as there are some waves today and we went out before work.I sat down here and saw that post title and open the video,at the end when you got deep on that front side you had 4 people all screaming "ahhhhhhhhhhh" as it dumped over you and every one in the living room was watching on the TVs net view...GREAT MOVIE !!! thumbs up for real great sim!!!
  13. Alishen


    It have to be sculpted or mesh,you would not be able to do it with norm prims or flexi.
  14. I was at a club , at timesI like to turn on highlight transparent as some people have cool guns or things on . Well I came across a girl...with a big old transparent male genital on . So I giggle and go about my way and start hanging out and enjoying the music. A few mins later I get a IM...if was the girl with te big ding a ling in alpha... So we chat for a min,I am always nice to any one and judge no one that IMs me. After talking a little bit she invites me to her SL house and I tell her " I enjoy public places but thank you." . She ask me to dance so being nice but not wanting to have a sword fight I said "I be afraid your hidden friend on your pelvis might poke me...." Next thing you know she tells me I have some kind of cheating bad viewer...tells me she going to AR me..So I explain to her how to turn on highlight transparent......there was a pause.....and a poooof she was gone.. Lesson of the story,if you are new..and you "Hide" a prim part of your body we can all see it if we turn on highlight transparent...
  15. http://maggiebluxome.com/ Maggie Bluxome has posted her return letter after she sent in a donation of $1,035.00 to SusanG. Komen for the Cure®. She collected that from on of the often over looked communities in second life that enjoy sculpted body parts and a mix of clothing shops that offer clothing with scripted installers to texture sculpted body parts with clothing. I have no clue if I am breaking any posting rules but I just love to see smaller non mainstream markets out there trying to make a difference in way they can as a group,as set of creative people using their SL Art tools and social events to work hard to help others.
  16. last time i looked about a day.I had some one buy a product from me then cancel account and made a new one and asked if I could transfer it to their new account and it been about 24 hours,I could not pull up their name in search but i clearly had a record of the name in my sales account logs. I have no answer to thsi question only what I have seen from my side.
  17. You have to admit right click a AV and choose "profile" was a lot better.... I have to many issue with viewer 2. I understand what you are saying about new poster looking threw older post,as a person that studies the understanding of the human psyche that is not a reality,you are going to go threw this daily and forever as long as you mod these forums or any to be honest . Human compulsion and lack of patients is factor into all successful business models,it is just a factor you will always have to deal with.
  18. I just buy things 1 at a time,I wait until I get a object before buying anything else,seems to work for me.
  19. as new as you are I am thinking you are trying to look up their fake name,many viewer 2 users do not know how to view disply name as I beleave bt default ah is all they see unless the uncheck "see disply name"
  20. I was...professional ethics....nvm...I just leave this alone....
  21. I have the same issue,I was at a place and some one said somthing and I did not have m button pushed and said "YEAH RIGHT,that is a load of sheet" well........they heard meh not cool LL!!
  22. I have to say I have been going to some live music shows lately have met sooo many nice people! I have met many down to earth fun SL people hang out at these shows ,it really is a must see thing if you are a new SL player looking to meet people. So far my fav is AMFORTE ! She is a great singer , entertainer ! She always has fun questions for every one to answer between songs,I have to say its one of my favorite parts of her show,I love people who go out of their way to entertain! I have also been check out other artist in SL live music and there are many many great entertainers in SL .
  23. The skins from Bad@zz have no compare , I found it after looking for hours at skins. I am a artist in my real life and feel people should be paid for their artistic abilities ,many many of the skins I found looked very similar to others in skin tone and texturing as if they where all made from the same base and wanted a skin that was unique and well made . Including a shape and hair I really enjoy the whole purchas. I found the shape to be a little bulky and had fun make one of my own . I found much value in that buy as it enlighten my day and gave me he ability to make changes and get a look I felt was not out of a box. Alishen
  24. OK ,thank you for the replies. Yes we use the same account on the shared computer,but we both have nice desktops and laptops in our rooms , I just hated to throw away the older one, we keep it in the living room as something to check email or look up what's on TV for the most part. I was in a sandbox learning the controls and the building tools and doing a few of the simple building tips no the SL wiki website . When I found a page on how to make a shirt and pants . My first stab at it was far from great , but what fun I had ! So I spent all day Sunday doing it over and over and over until I made something worth wearing Meeting new friends so far in the past couple days is a bust , at least I am having fun and learning new things . I did ge some money from my roomate and bought some clothing and a skin,I did not risk market place this time as the skin was 4,000 Linden and did not want to risk it.My AV looks less noob now.I uploade a picture to my public photo album here. Alishen
  25. Hello, I have not played SL in years,and when I did it was very short lived. now have a new roommate who really enjoys SL and has talked me into trying again.Speaking of her I found a neat bug in the forums..we have a computer in the living room that is more for reading the news and emailing we both share.I log into the main site with my account,but when I cam into the forums and posted the first message it was in her account..If I use the back button I go back into the SL main site and once again I am me log in under this name.I had o log her out of the forums and log my self back in.Kind of wonky. My experience with market place was the same last night,my orders all failed.I did get a return of the Linden dollars a few hours later and was able to receive a order today.So all is well again and I have something to wear.If any one would share with me good places to hang out it would be much appreciated.So far my rootmate stands in 1 spot for many hours "working" as she puts it.They have a sim but its all shops and I like to find a place with people not just shopping! I did search the forums for topics like this and to be honest the places had no one in them.The events search came up the same.The events listed seem to just bring me to a shop not a club or a place with more then 2 people.
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