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Posts posted by Tibbybob

  1. Hello,

    I want to display the water depth from the surface to the bottom, when a boat is floating near the shoreline.  I have experimented with variations of

     depthString="Water Depth "+(string) llRound((llWater( ZERO_VECTOR ))/3.28)+ "Feet\n";

     but the depth seems to be wrong when the boat is out in open water and it doesn't change when you get to shore (where the water comes up to my waist if I stand beside the boat).  I expected llWater to display the depth directly under the center of the prim where the script is located, based on the description at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlWater.

    Is the problem with my script, or with my understanding of what the function should do?  (or both?)




  2. Hi,


    I want a child prim to rotate relative to the direction the root prim is "facing".  The root prim will be in motion, constantly changing direction with some up and down movement; the child prim needs to follow the root prim on x and y (it's at the front of the root prim) but rotate at its center on z to a certain number of degrees to the left or right of the root's direction.

    I have tried to understand and follow some different examples that I found here and on the SL wiki, but the more I try the worse it gets :(

    Thanks for any and all help!

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