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Posts posted by Virtuously

  1. I had crashed on firestorm and when I logged back on I no longer had voice. I've tried to rest voice in preferences and even uninstalled and reinstalled both phoenix and firestorm and can't seem to get my voice back. I had my computer and headset checked to make sure it wasn't the issue and it's fine. I went on http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=voice to find a solution to my problem and still can't get the white dot above my head. What can I do to fix this issue or is SL having voice issues because I can't get it on either phoenix or firestorm. I've never had this problem happen to me before. Someone tell me what's going on please.

  2. I can't seem to get voice today either and I've tried everything above and my computer to make sure it wasn't me. My computer voice is fine but it seems as if I log onto SL my voice is automatically taken away. I'm so frustrated!!!! I've reset, unistalled, reinstalled, disabled, enabled voice, you name it I did it and still no voice. I can't get voice anywhere I go. Please let me know if SL mayb having issues today and it's not just me.

  3. I had crashed on firestorm and when I logged back on I no longer had voice. I've tried to rest voice in preferences and even uninstalled and reinstalled both phoenix and firestorm and can't seem to get my voice back. I had my computer and headset checked to make sure it wasn't the issue and it's fine. I went on http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=voice to find a solution to my problem and still can't get the white dot above my head. What can I do to fix this issue or is SL having voice issues because I can't get it on either phoenix or firestorm. I've never had this problem happen to me before. Someone tell me what's going on please.

  4. I'm having some serious issue trying to log in. Message says "Unable to connect to simulator". I've logged in & out. I've also uninstalled and re-installed both phoenix viewer & firstorm. I keep getting the same message. I turned my computer off & on thinking it might have been my computer. Now I'm lost & frustrated b/c i don't know what to do next. Someone please help me asap.

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