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Everything posted by DonnaMitchell

  1. Thanks for the replies. Now I just need to figure out what goes between the brackets, but my main question has been answered. I just needed to know what CONTROL was needed for moving sideways.
  2. ok, looks like I am getting somewhere...apparently the CONTROL_LEFT and CONTROL_ROT_LEFT were lumped together as was the RIGHT. I separated them now and have this.... if (edges & levels & CONTROL_LEFT) { } else if (edges & ~levels & CONTROL_RIGHT) { } else { }
  3. that's where im stuck...im just not sure what the definitions are... control(key id, integer levels, integer edges)
  4. Hello all, I am in the process of scripting a boat. I've gotten everything sorted so far except for how to make the boat move sideways. I've seen some boats do this with the SHIFT+LEFT/RIGHT and the script I have that came with a boat that does this, I can't seem to find where in the script that allows this. Both this script and my script seem to have the same lines of script for moving the boat. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Gonna try a different approach... I am in need of an experienced scripter knowledgeable in VICE Combat. The script in question is the "VICE Trigger and HUD" script. I am willing to pay a reasonable fee for this as this shouldn't take more than an hour at most. I would also need the script full perm for any future mods that may be needed. I am putting together a rifle and sidearm for a group WW2 RP. The rifle and sidearm builds are completed with a "holster/sling" and "draw" versions. The alpha toggle script for each are completed and working along with the commands to "draw/sling/holster". What I would need is the following: RIFLE - 1903 Springfield - Any and all "bomb/grenade/stab" related code needs to be removed. - Command "sling" in local chat to disable the rifle when in "sling" mode. This means the HUD text needs to disappear and rifle hold animation needs to stop. - Command "draw" in local chat to enable the rifle when in "draw" mode. This means the HUD text needs to appear and rifle hold animation needs to start. SIDEARM - 1911 Colt - Any and all "bomb/grenade/stab" related code needs to be removed. - Command "holster" in local chat to disable the handgun when in "holster" mode. This means the HUD text needs to disappear and handgun hold animation needs to stop. - Command "draw" in local chat to enable the handgun when in "draw" mode. This means the HUD text needs to appear and handgun hold animation needs to start. Please send a notecard to me inworld with your quote. Thanks.
  6. Hello, I am in the process of building a couple guns for my groups RP in a WW2 setting. We will be using VICE as it is what all others in the area uses. I am stuck on a small issue. I need to "deactivate" the gun when "sling/holster" is used. I already have the alpha toggles working, but the "draw" weapon is still "active". How do I make it so the animations and other scripts "stop" when I sling or holster the gun? Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the replies, I'll keep checking around.
  8. Well, I am using the VICE scripts that come with the free package VICE SDK v1.2.0 (Free!). This is what builders use when they install VICE in their vehicles and guns etc. The script in question is the "VICE Trigger and HUD". I was able to find and use an alpha toggle script that switches between the "holstered/sling" and "draw" guns. The only thing that i am having trouble with is how to turn off animantions and disable the gun when in "sling/holster" mode. I have asked this question in the VICE Users group, but didnt get much of a response there. I was hoping someone here could help as I am not very knowledgable in scripting.
  9. Hello, I am in the process of building a couple guns for my groups RP in a WW2 setting. We will be using VICE as it is what all others in the area uses. I am stuck on a small issue. I need to "deactivate" the gun when "sling/holster" is used. I already have the alpha toggles working, but the "draw" weapon is still "active". How do I make it so the animations and other scripts "stop" whn I sling or holster the gun? Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Glad to see that the GCS is a big hit. I certainly have fun with it and I hope to see more additions to the system. If anyone is interested, I have the GCS set up on my combat platform at: NEXUS: Dark Army Base (SAFE ZONE) http://slurl.com/secondlife/Pengo%20Desire/89/128/4002 Hope to see you there! Lady Donna (Nexus Queen)
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