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Posts posted by SweetAlibi

  1. I spent my 1st 8 months bake failing every 30 seconds or so...Initially I didn't know any better and thought it was normal.  Eventually,  I tried every solution anyone has posted online. Trust me, dozens of hours and more and still I continued to blur and rezz and blur and rezz.

    I use Firestorm which has an option under preferences to change the appearance or "skin" of the viewer. I changed the one which I was using and the rebake/bake failing stopped. YAYYYYYY!!!!

    I have not seen this solution suggested anywhere else, though maybe it is.  I don't know why it worked, but it did.


    Good luck to those with bake fail problems

  2. I spent my 1st 8 months bake failing every 30 seconds or so...Initially I didn't know any better and thought it was normal.  Eventually,  I tried every solution anyone has posted online. Trust me, dozens of hours and more and still I continued to blur and rezz and blur and rezz.

    I use Firestorm which has an option under preferences to change the appearance or "skin" of the viewer. I changed the one which I was using and the rebake/bake failing stopped. YAYYYYYY!!!!

    I have not seen this solution suggested anywhere else, though maybe it is.  I don't know why it worked, but it did.


    Good luck to those with bake fail problems :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

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