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Sacred Peony

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Everything posted by Sacred Peony

  1. I went to Garden Of Ku, my favorite tattoo shop and bought a tattoo. when i wore the tattoo it was the wrong one. , so i tried again and bought it again thinking i had made a mistake. Still the wrong item. each item was 250$L. I described what happened to the creator, Daniel Kurosawa, however, he refused to refund my money. Usually when a creator makes a mistake like that, they just go ahead and refund. but this guy refuses to refund my $L250 +$L 250 = 500$L I have copied my transactions and deleted the tattoo that i didnt want. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/301226_172176006198713_100002189435421_360807_1673204693_n.jpg http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=172177906198523&set=a.101166119966369.2180.100002189435421&type=1&theater here is what i saw when i put on the kali durga tattoo. i know LL sometimes has some inconsistancies and some textures transfer to antoehr texture, however i think it was unkind of daniel kurosawa not to refund my money. I have given him SO much business over the years, having freidns get his tattoos. i feel burned by this man. Here are the transactions. You can see I paid twice, it is because when i wore the tattoo it was some punk-rock tattoo and not the kali durga tattoo i was paying to get. What can i do about this? outside of asking politely, i dont see why he wont refund.
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