Is a company that was founded on November 28, 2010 is dedicated to the rent of residential and commercial Sims in Second Life. Our Mission: To be a company that makes the needs of people seeking a place to live - have a business, etc - make them feel comfortable in a place where we will offer all the amenities. The rapid growth has been achieved due to the low prices and good support and fast, very important for a client, there are 6 more agents to help you fixing any problems. ..::BLANXI ESTATES::.. 65536 sqm -15000 prims 17999L$ Week 32768 sqm -8010 prims 9799L$ Week 16384 sqm -4005 prims 4880L$ Week 8192 sqm -2000 prims 2500L$ Week 4096 sqm -1000 prims 1450L$ Week Available Sims: ☎ Xino Knave - Afrodita Copperfield Office: