Margo Sciarri wrote:
To put it mildly, I hate what LL has done to the new viewer look. I started in late 2007, and while I had a lot to learn about sl, everyone does when they're new. When they made the decision to put out Viewer 2 - thinking it would "attract" more people, and "be easier" to use, it made the viewer, in my opinion, awful. I don't like the big honking bar on the side for one thing - it takes up far too much space, and it's harder for me to work with. Secondly - the viewer control SUCKS bigtime. Someone told me they were going to fix it, yet I tried the new beta today, and it is still awful!!! It doesn't work as smoothly as on the older viewer, and it is far too big!
I have recently seen something about FUI ( flexible User Interface) - and I saw a video of another viewer's work on changing the way the UI looks, more like the older one. LL - take a lesson from that and go back to the older viewer's look, it was SO MUCH BETTER.
Well, you know, Linden Lab paid big bucks to a Ukranian software company to develop the new viewer. So it has to be good. It is irrelevant that one or more of the LL board of directors probably partially owned that Ukrainian software company. We all know that Ukranians know how to build the best user-interfaces in the world, even it they know absolutely nothing about what the UI is for.:matte-motes-big-grin-wink: