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  1. OK so this pc im on meets all the requirements and then some plus I updated all the drivers just yesterday (longest 4 hours of my life XD). Anyway im having artifacts pop up on my SLV2 and I even modified some settings to try to fix it. its beggining to bug me. The artifacts almost look like pieces of every building are flying around (think hurricane in a party store bits and pieces of different colors shapes and sizes flying around randomly). It only does this when I move my avatar however, and continues for about 5-7sec after I stop moving. It doesnt complete block my view but it definately has an impact on visability. Thanks for helping out, its not horribly important but its bothersom to say the least. UPDATE: EUREKA!!! Thank you so much for that! The thought of OpenGL being the issue hadn't crossed my mind as I've never encountered that specific issue relating to it before (Nor have I ever had issues with OpenGL =P). Artifacts begone!
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