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Posts posted by AmandaJLee

  1.  I'm on mac OSX 10.6.8, running new SL viewer 2, advanced.   Noticed an avatar on SL older viewer, basic-gliding very quickly over ground, without feet moving.    Asked and told to press w key and up arrow on the move controls at same time.    I tried it on my avatar, but it did not work......feet still moved......no glide.    Is it diff for viewer 2 advanced?    Just tryin to learn the "glide" move.   Thanks.

    Also......general question....with so many movement options, which is the most preferable use of keys v.s. up/down arrows v.s. move and view tabs......I want to learn the one that gives an SL resident the most flexibility, and have noticed the amazing fluidity of residents who have mastered these skills.    Which options for movements in combo are best to learn?

    Also noticed the move arrows can be moved around almost like a joystick......but terribly sensitive to control......sooooo many choices.....any help much appreciated in my quest to learn the skill set.....thanks.


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