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Melody Arlington

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Posts posted by Melody Arlington

  1. I have searched the web and up and down the forums and the solution to this problem doesnt seem to work for me (people are told to copy/cut paste).  Maybe I am missing something.  So I decided to change my Display Name.  Nothing too crazy.  Still looks normal with a few ascii characters that are actually readable.  Each and every time I try to save it, I get the message "The display name you wish to set contains invalid characters".  They are not crazy characters, I have seen plenty of other people using them - they are mostly ones with accents over them.  I am using viewer 2 and am not a premium member.  I have no clue why this isn't working.  I have tried to copy, cut, paste, create using the ascii codes directly into the display name box and nothing.  Any body have any ideas?  What am I missing or are unaware of?  :matte-motes-confused:

  2. I have searched the web and up and down the forums and the solution to this problem doesnt seem to work for me (people are told to copy/cut paste).  Maybe I am missing something.  So I decided to change my Display Name.  Nothing too crazy.  Still looks normal with a few ascii characters that are actually readable.  Each and every time I try to save it, I get the message "The display name you wish to set contains invalid characters".  They are not crazy characters, I have seen plenty of other people using them - they are mostly ones with accents over them.  I am using viewer 2 and am not a premium member.  I have no clue why this isn't working.  I have tried to copy, cut, paste, create using the ascii codes directly into the display name box and nothing.  Any body have any ideas?  What am I missing or are unaware of?  :matte-motes-confused:

  3. So I got a bunch of actions and poseballs and dances, and what not.  I went through the list testing them and seeing what they are.  But I noticed several script ones that are attached to poseballs dont seem to work.  This is the error message I get:


    Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set


    I haven't even begun to wrap my head around scripting so I have no idea how to fix it.  Maybe one day I can dedicate myself to learning script.  But for now...I need help.  So I'm posting the code below.....maybe someone with script experience can help?  I hope it can be edited.  The creator doesnt seem to be around.   :matte-motes-agape:



    key owner;
    key sitter;
    string curanim;
        on_rez(integer params){llResetScript();}
         vector eul = <0,0,0>; //45 degrees around the z-axis, in Euler form
                eul *= DEG_TO_RAD; //convert to radians
                rotation quat = llEuler2Rot(eul); //convert to quaternion
        touch_start(integer total_number){
         changed(integer change) { // something changed
            if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { // and it was a link change
                llSleep(0.5); // llUnSit works better with this delay
                if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) { // somebody is sitting on me
               llRequestPermissions(sitter, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);



  4. Ok...I've been up and down the forums and online and for the life of me I still can't get a hold of the explanation of real estate and its costs in SL.  Can someone explain it as simply as possible.  I'm most ly concerned with cost.  Shelling out $$ for all the virtual worlds can add up quickly.  I need a break down of the costs involved in either purchasing or renting.   I was considering renting, but have no clue of the costs involved.  I dont really want to take a premium membership.  Can a rental be obtained on just a basic membership and if so, what as a renter am I responsible to pay?  Thanks!!  :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

  5. I hope there is a fix for this.  I'm running the lastest Viewer on Windows XP and my friend is running the latest Viewer on Windows 7.  His menus are completely different than mine and its making gameplay quite difficult.  We tried running the Viewer in compatibility mode with Windows XP but that didnt seem to fix the problem.  Is there any way to get the viewer to look like the viewer on Windows XP as opposed to 7?  He can't find any of the menus in its current state and neither can I.  I dont know how it even changed.  Any suggestions? :matte-motes-confused:

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