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Everything posted by gr81488304435

  1. For quite some time already it appears that my.secondlife.com friends list is out of sync with the actual friends list. I cannot see recent friends and vice versa. The other thing is that I always have a message saying I have unread messages when I do not have any. And I have 3 snapshots processing. I assume those snapshots are simply lost, but the message cannot be cleared.
  2. Thank you everybody for your comments.
  3. Could anybody give any hint on what the skin is used with that shape? I'm considering buying the shape but it looks like it doesn't have a stylecard, and I would like to get the same look as in the picture. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/50-SALE-Shape-03-PERFECT-FOR-WEARING-WITH-MESH/3844497
  4. Same happens to me on the latest Firestorm. As far as I understand it is something with the video card/drivers. You can try disabling "basic shaders" and see if it stops crashing. Of course it will not look as good as it should. I really hope they will fix it some time soon.
  5. Thank you! That's good to know. I think the default 'everyone' is too lax and I'd prefer to be able to post some messages which only the recipient could see, but limiting to 'friends' is better than nothing. Notice also that this setting controls your feed, but how do you know what the settings are for somebody else? It may sound paranoid but I'd like to get a warning somewhere saying who is going to see what I write.
  6. Right now it looks like whatever I post to the feed tab of any of my friends will be visible to everybody. There is no warning about that so I can only guess how many people will be duped and post something they don't really want to share with the whole world.
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