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Fendi Miles

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Posts posted by Fendi Miles

  1. 12 minutes ago, Muiregwen said:

    I will agree some of them felt quite rude. Thank you for saying that about the learning and that it doesn’t hurt to release stuff; its very encouraging actually and make me inspired even! And that is a thing where I don’t exactly want to HD it up and make it look so fake too. I prefer keeping things mostly ‘unedited’. 

    I have so many skins in my inventory from the years that aren't sold anymore & discontinued. Even the "best" skin creators right now will be outdated or not as good as their work in a couple years, so it definitely won't hurt! Unedited isn't a bad idea either, whatever you find works for you & that you like! :)

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

    I picked up the Vic in Gridlock and the Trad in North Wall but let them both go. I had the same feeling about them as I did the log homes I got in the early morning - nothing.  When these homes came out I didn't think that one day I'd be bored. :/

    aww I feel the same. I'm trying for the boat as its the only one I haven't decorated or had a chance to be bored with yet. Can't wait for all the new types of homes one day though 🤧

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  3. In my opinion I wouldn't do the demo as the product picture :) if only because skin sellers these days seem to make their images as hq and almost "fake" as they can get away with sometimes 😝 also... some of these replies feel quite rude lol. Everyone starts somewhere, I wish I could try skins, but I gave up when I saw the skin maps 🤣

    there is truly a market for everything and everyone, even If you're new at skins and still practicing it doesn't hurt releasing some stuff. When you're better down the line you can always remove them if you'd like.

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  4. Sorry if this is the wrong forum, I wasn't totally sure!

    I've been searching all over, but can't seem to find what I'm looking for.

    I'm looking for a small beach island rental, (fully surrounded with water actual island 😄) However I don't need or want a full sim or something crazy like that, the most prims I'd want would be around 1k. It doesn't even have to be amazing landscape, just something not very dated. I'd love to find one without a house already on it but at this point just looking to see if I can find anything like that.


    Any suggestions? 😊

  5. With the prims I had left I was able to add a little backyard area! I made this little pagola add on for my doyle and made a little fire pit chill space. I let go off the wrap around extension bc of the prims but I think I'm good with the front now & everything :D ( I hope now to find some trees that match well to add to the side of the yards ^^)


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  6. When homes are in the Linden dept. of public works does that mean they are still in progress before being released? I'm in a victorian area & the region right next to mine thatch lea is all that rn, and it looks like there is a super cute beach rez zone too! (not sure if it's always been there lol) but if anyone wants coastal vics looks like it's going to be a good time soon! :D

  7. After so long of trying I finally got my victorian, and a waterfront! 😍 I'm not done with the front porch area, but wanted to show my little wrap around and railings I added to my doyle 🥰 As someone who before my SL break had homes with 1k prims I am pleasantly surprised with how much clutter I've fit within my prim limit & I still have 68 left to go!  If I had the upgrade option for like 200 prims though, grr I can't imagine the back garden and landscaping I could do hehe :) I saw someone say that LH are just supposed to be for new home owners & encourage you to go move onto mainland for more prims etc, but as a long time user I would be more than happy to stay in these homes, I can't tell you how fun it is to have active neighbors, people who ride by on bikes and boats or just walk by and say hello. It makes me much happier to be in SL because of my little LH.

    PS. If you're ever in goosemere (waterfront by houseboats ) and see my little place, I don't use a security orb and I'm always down for a visitor or a hello! 😍



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  8. 1 hour ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    I think the texture can be found in one of the Victorian texture packs (which are part of the content pack you can get from clicking your mailbox). You can use that to make a pathway. :) 

    Lmao, I cannot believe I didn't know that already. Thank you for answering my dumb question 🥰

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