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  1. cant i make another script saying if (name of the script) runs ones...stop? or something like that?
  2. Hi, I have a no modfy script, that calculets scores when object touch it- boxes with this scripts, but its not working correctly, if the object touch it for some sceonds and not go on, so the script works and works, and add more numbers to it...wrong thing, Can I put another script on this object (the object with the no modify script) so that no modify script will work only one's (in one minute for example), if somebody knows please write it. thank you...
  3. Thnx, I fix it, changed the IF statment to if (true).... and it works fine
  4. I cant make it's for my friend,because i want the every user can remote it I tried to do some changes, its no working (dont have enough experience)....can anybody please change it or me.. here's 80 of the code: (20000 characters is max) } float speed = 0; float turn = 0; float lift = 0; integer move = FALSE; integer turning = FALSE; key avatar; integer on; default { state_entry() { llSetVehicleType(VEHICLE_TYPE_AIRPLANE); llRemoveVehicleFlags(-1); llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <1, 2, 1> ); llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <0.5,0.5,0.5> ); llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 0.2 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 0.75 ); llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 0.2 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 0.3 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 1000 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 0.99 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 2 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 2 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 2 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 0.7 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 0.5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 0.2 ); llSetVehicleRotationParam( VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME, <0, 0, 0, 1> ); llRemoveVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP); llStopSound(); llCollisionSound("", 0.0); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llOwnerSay("/me Let's Fly! -> (Touch to Activate)"); } // touch_start(integer t) { avatar = llDetectedKey(0); string name=llKey2Name(avatar); if((avatar == llGetOwner()) && (on == TRUE)) { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llStopSound(); llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_X | STATUS_ROTATE_Y | STATUS_ROTATE_Z, FALSE); llReleaseControls(); llSleep(.2); llPlaySound("2ffa2ee9-14f6-f90a-2bc0-7399984331ce", .5); on = FALSE; } else if((avatar == llGetOwner()) && (on == FALSE)) { llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_X | STATUS_ROTATE_Y | STATUS_ROTATE_Z, TRUE); llRequestPermissions(avatar,PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); on = TRUE; } } // run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if(perms & (PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS))
  5. Hello i have my RC script that works fine with my plane, but when my friend tuch it he cants get the option to control the plane with that RC script, maybe someone can look at those lines, i pase some of the lines that i thought my help float speed = 0; float turn = 0; float lift = 0; integer move = FALSE; integer turning = FALSE; key avatar;integer on; default } ); llOwnerSay("/me Let's Fly! -> (Touch to Activate)"); } // touch_start(integer t) { avatar = llDetectedKey(0); string name=llKey2Name(avatar); if((avatar == llGetOwner()) && (on == TRUE)) { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llStopSound(); llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_X | STATUS_ROTATE_Y | STATUS_ROTATE_Z, FALSE); llReleaseControls(); llSleep(.2); llPlaySound("2ffa2ee9-14f6-f90a-2bc0-7399984331ce", .5); on = FALSE; } else if((avatar == llGetOwner()) && (on == FALSE)) { llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_X | STATUS_ROTATE_Y | STATUS_ROTATE_Z, TRUE); llRequestPermissions(avatar,PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); on = TRUE; } } // run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if(perms & (PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS)) { llTakeControls(CONTROL_FWD | CONTROL_BACK | CONTROL_RIGHT | CONTROL_LEFT | CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT | CONTROL_ROT_LEFT | CONTROL_UP | CONTROL_DOWN, TRUE, FALSE); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); llPlaySound("99aa862f-5875-2bec-f13f-d26528f379fa", .5); llOwnerSay("/me Contact!"); llSleep(8.0); llOwnerSay("/me Take Off!"); llLoopSound("99aa862f-5875-2bec-f13f-d26528f379fa", .5); } else { llStopSound(); llReleaseControls(); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,FALSE);
  6. thnx for the good answer.. Woowwww how I writing all that?? can I have please thw start of that? How i sendig with llRegionSayTo and calculate all the points?
  7. Hello... Need help with building a script: I have rings, what I trying to do is: I have different ring scattered, when the RC plane passing through the rings he earns points, in the end we print the result for the fly.
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