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Faust Danitz

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Posts posted by Faust Danitz

  1. WHY would it happen on every server that i've listened to not only at my own club, between all of my DJ's.. And even on my own stream.  i have multiple DJ's and multiple events throughout the week.  And for each of my DJ's the stream will just fade out and back in. Several times a night.  And i've talked to my DJ's and they say tht it does not happen to them on other sims.

    Now as for driver issue.. ok, i'm covering another post here too.. i'm on a new install of windows, with all of the latest software that is out there for the hadware that's in my machine, including the OS, and viewers that i use on SL.

    And even on 2 seperate computers the sound fades out.  pretty much at exactly at the same time. 

    So something else is wrong.. cause its not just on the sim where i rent a large parcel, but on various other sims.

  2. Due to the fact that i am on a very fixed & limited income, i am hoping that someone will be willing to work out a payment plan so that i can purchase the sim and pay for it in full over a period of a couple to several months (depending on price).  Also would make it easier on me, if seller would be willing to pay transfer fees, and at least half of tier for the 1st month during purchase arrangement.


    i am in world now, so feel free to contact me in chat.



    Faust Danitz

  3. System info:

    AMD Dual Core 3.2 GHtz

    4 Gig 1066 RAM

    3 TB Hard Drive

    (2) Dual Layer DVD burners w/lightscribe support

    Windows 7 64-bit OS

    Phoenix Viewer Ver

    3 days ago, while preparing for a grand opening of the business i work for, i had my SHX  SRC-SHX-F210 Shoutcast Board out. After making sure that the stream info was correct, and that the MCD was properly placed according to instructions, i took my item back into my inventory.  That evening i logged off approximately 2 am. Please note, that lost item was NOT due to a software or system crash.

    Yesterday, 03/18/2011, i started preparations on getting the party deck layed out and ready for use. The first item i went looking for was my shoutcast board.  NOT THERE.  Ok, i cleared cache, rebooted, restarted Phoenix Viewer, and went into my inventory, and still no SHX SRC-F210.  The creator of it had replaced it once, and due to his company policy, will not replace item a 2nd time.  Here is copy of conversation with Sali:


    Hey Faust :)

    The chance that the same item will get lost two times is nihil.
    Please make sure you are searching for the right name: which is default: My Clubname, or the name of your club.
    I'm sure it's not lost, but there somewhere, perhaps in a coalesced item.

    My policy is to replace an item only once, just because like i said, the chance the same item out of thousands get lost two times is close to impossible, and in general asset issues are responsibility of the service provider, which in this case is Linden Lab.

    Kind regards,


    Well, Second life is at it again.  i was going to set up to get ready for a grand opening for a new photo studio tomorrow morning and my shoutcast board has come up missing, yet again. You have replace it for me once before, and i am asking yet again, for your help.

    Thank you
    Faust Danitz

    Product Name: SRC-SHX-F210
    Product Version:
    Purchase Date: (roughly) unknown
    Transaction ID:  (only in case of lost products) so long since purchase don't know where to find purchase id
    Problem Description: Lost item
    What I have Tried: i have looked in every folder, and even back traced my steps and what i did..
    Add relevant notecards/configuration:

    Current funding does not allow me to purchase another.


    At the time the letter was written, i did not have the funds to purchase one. i borrowed the funds from a very close friend, and fully intend on paying him back.  But that does not cover the missing item.

    Any other suggestions?

  4. i am having problems touching buddies names in my buddy list Some of them i can touch, some i can't. Some are on grey bars, and some aren't. I am guessing thats for distinction between lines.. ok, no problem on that. but as of lately, i have not been able to touch some names of people that are listed in my friends list.. Even when they are online.  Some of them i am actually spending time with on SL..


    Not being able to touch their names to send an IM to my friends that are online makes it difficult to communicate with them.

    Your help in this issue would be greatly appreicaated

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