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Aiot Galaxy

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  1. Hehe. I guess I should have prefaced my question with the fact that my game is more of a strategy game than action. It's really about what prims you rezz rather than what you actually do with them (if that makes any sense).
  2. The prims would not be physical. Basically they would sit there and fire at whatever they are told to fire upon like a tower of defense. I think 'marking' the targets is really what I want. Maybe rezzing a red glow around each target to indicate it's been targeted.
  3. Maybe I should require the player to manually assign targets instead of using sensors?
  4. Because each player has several of these prims I was thinking about making a 'targeting' prim that basically makes a lists and divvies out the targets to the other attacking prims. So if each player had 10 prims, only 1 would be running a sensor.
  5. So if I had one prim that needed to target another prim owned by an opponent. And that opponent has multiple targets rezzed. I want my prim to pick one within 20m to lock on and cause a hitpoint variable to decrease. I want my prim to 'lock on' that other prim and send damage messages until the opponent prim has 0 hitpoints then scan for more opponent prims - rinse and repeat. So would each object need to be listening for messages within a range, build a list and choose the prim at the top of the list as a target? Is there a way to do this without destroying performance of the sim if say each player has 5 or more of these prims. Can someone give me an idea of what functions I would need to research? I guess my question is how can one prim create a private communication between another prim owned by someone else and keep that conversation until a condition is met (being the prim being out of health points). I hope that makes sense.
  6. Need to purchase a full mainland sim. Please respond with location and what you are offering. I have seen several under 200,000 lindens recently. My budget is roughly 150,000L
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