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Posts posted by jimmythesaint

  1. people have a lot to learn about what the meaning of skill gaming is 

    1. game of skill is a game where the outcome is determined mainly by mental or physical skill, rather than by chance. A game of skillgenerally has an element of chance, but skill plays a greater role in determining the outcome.

    .but this ios not true in sl guess someone needs to come up with another dictonary with what the meanings of words r in sl because they r not the same as they r in rl


  2. my ? is why is it called skill gaming they r  games of chance players do not determin if there will be a win or not its game room operators that set profit margin last time i was told its buyer beware but iam not buying anything playing what  most beleave is a game of skill like player has a chance to win every game that bs .im sure people that r new to sl asume someone like ll monitores to make sure  these placeses r on the up and up like most bissness look out for cumstomers.

  3. ok what you say must be true but i was under the usumption that these ttype games are a skill game im not asking about refunds.most isf not all pepople that play in these rooms are customers of linden lab and im not the only player that was under the asumption that these are skill games but sorry to say this can not be true because i might be a terable player but  ive lost over 50 straight games and with no way to win   i lived in lasvegas and  the gaming there  wich is not skill games  had much beter chance i just thought beings you have a mojority of people that play in these rooms im sorry theres no other way of puting this YOU HAVE A MOJORITY OF LINDEN LAB CUSTOMERS BEING RIPED OF BY THE MINORITY OF PEOPLE JUST THOUGHT SOMEONE  WOULD MAKE SURE THAT ITS FAIR AND FUN FO ALL BUT I GUESS IT S OK TO DESIGHN GAMES THAT ARE NOT FAIR JUST DONT GET T WHY ITS SO HARD TO KEEP TRACK OF WETHER PEOPLE R BEING HONEST OR NOT WE KEEP STATS AND TRACK OF EVERYTHING ELES EXCEPT WEATHER PEOPLE ARE BEING RIPED OF   DONT UNDETRSTAND.AND YES I KNOW IF ITS TRUE GOOD TOO BE TRUE IT USALLY IS BUT AS FAR AS FREE LUNCHES GO THES ROOM OPERATERS ARE GETING A FREE LUNCH AND MUCH MORE  AT THE LEAST ESPECIALLY FOR THE NEWBIES  CANT SOMEONE AT LEAST LEAST HAVE  THE WARNING AS FAR S LINDEN LAB DOES NOT ENDORSE OR BASICALLY HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THESE ROOMS CAUSE FOR THE LONGEST I JUST ASUMED LINDEN LAB WAS KEEPING TABS BLEW MY MIND WHEN I FOUND OUT BASICALLY ITS JUST A FREE FOR ALL TO GET AS MUCH AS YU CAN WHATEVER HAPEND TO HONESTY AND INTEGRATY LOOKING OUT 4 EACH OTHER GUESS THATS JUST A DEAD FDREAM



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