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  1. if the intention was to cause him to lag or crash other players certainly got my game crashed and I was logged out soon after met him, many are using complex avatars to enter the island crystals and disrupt other players.
  2. unfortunately just try a problem with my video card as I entered the island where it was so I thought linden put any limit, I will follow what they said and change my graphic form to see if it does not occur again.
  3. but my game actually ended up catching and was logged out twice in a row, I thought there was a limit permitted by own linden, I edit my graphics settings and see if that does not happen anymore thanks for your help.
  4. This print shows an avatar with a lot of complexity at the entrance of linden realms, http://prnt.sc/czld6f. like Rolling Loon actually said my game just catching twice and ended up being disconnected from Second Life. I changed my settings and I'll see if it happens no more :)
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