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Everything posted by sagia

  1. I have SL latest viewer with a Mac computer and I get to the point of copying the slurl and want to enter it on a IM how does one do that. The slurl is in gold in center of computer how is is pasted to an IM?
  2. I have a Mac computer with SL viewer and I tried the answer to the same question posted by Sagia but there is no remove button to click. I do edit profile and profile picture and it says file not remove. Can pic be deleted?
  3. I would love to start to have a shop and if successful then will rent but I am not a creator. Do you have any ideas how I can go about this to start. I have plenty of time on my hands. Thank you. IM me if interested.
  4. I have SL viewer Mac computer and I placed a photo in my Profile and now want to delete it. Can I do this? f so, how please.
  5. Is the update info only when you log in? If logged in can one check updates?
  6. I have the latest second life viewer with a Mac computer. I tried the method described under second life HELP but that no longer works with new viewer. It states to pull up the club in Pick and click to delete and it will ask to delete. That does not work for me. Clicking on club in Profile does nothing and I can not find delete anywhere.
  7. One avatar open chat view is all across the lower portion of page and I do not like this as it covers too much of my view. When I go into other avatar the only thing changed is password. Preferences/Chat/View is the same on both avatars. Why are they different? How can I change one and not the other. The good one is in nice square corner on left side of screen only.
  8. What a shock to find out a large transaction was made on my account on March 10 and now my account is way down. My account has been compromised. I have reported this on Contact Support to get a case file number but what can we do to prevent this from happening. If this can be done so easily it will be difficult to trust shopping in the future.
  9. Initially I seem to acquire three male folders full of clothing and this is not in my Library. These folders norl the individual items will not delete. There is no delete button to click. I have checked that these are definitely not in Library. Is there any way to get this clothing out of my inventory.
  10. I meant to say above 10 not below but all your ideas have already been initiated before I asked this question so I still do not have solution.
  11. In Preference is there a way or in Advanced menu a setting to get frame rate on CLIENT below 10 so red will come off?
  12. Please help with a lag meter solution for changing a setting?
  13. Second Life 3.2.8 (248931) Feb 9 2012 09:07:27 (Second Life Release) Per your request this is my computer info and I am using the new update SL viewer and problems are continuous everywhere. Should I change a setting now with new updated viewer? CPU: Intel® Core i5-2415M CPU @ 2.30GHz (2300 MHz) Memory: 4096 MB OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 Darwin 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:32:41 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 Graphics Card Vendor: Intel Inc. Graphics Card: Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine OpenGL Version: 2.1 APPLE-1.6.42 libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Built with GCC version 40001 Packets Lost: 63/279770 (0.0%)
  14. Any solution to get red off Client in lag meter where cause is images loading?
  15. For communication purposes with foreign tongue how can I get a translator for open chat?
  16. Join the club I have been wating 3 weeks for this fix Linden says it is a bug.
  17. How can some of my L$ be transferred to my friend
  18. Where can I get water to fit in Linden Mountain View l patio swim area?
  19. How can I IM a merchant for an undeliverable item. I have name of Lisa Locke but there is no contact info on her classified ad. She has several pages of ads.
  20. How can I find the number of prims on objects in INVENTORY?
  21. On a Linden House I am having trouble rezzing furniture because of limited prims in them. How can I find the number of prims left or what is not available in the house?
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