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  1. sorry to tell you this hun, but Xclusive has shut down. they're no longer in business. i just found out today too and i worked there. GL in finding a job tho hun
  2. go see gadget portal in-world. Visit Xclusive Escort Club. They're hiring.
  3. I'm interested. I can apply for a host job. Contact me in-world if ur interested
  4. Just IM me in-world hun. Tell me what you want and if you can, provide a pic for me to work from. Take care hun
  5. Look for Club Xclusive. They just re-opened. I'll give you a link below. If you're interested then IM those two in-world. GL http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Dancers-Needed/td-p/993987
  6. Try looking into Club Xclusive. They're hiring Hosts, Dancer's and Escorts, etc. I'll give you the link below. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/Dancers-Needed/td-p/993987 Just IM either of those two in-world and if they like what they see, then you may have a job.
  7. You are too young to work for this club. you have to be 1 month old. you just made your avi today. learn the employment rules before trying to get a job. GL
  8. I am interested IM me in-world. Make sure to inform me of why ur contacting me, sometimes i forget lol. TC
  9. You should at least inform people of the pay rate and tip %. Details.
  10. Add me In-world and i can help you out. Or you can check the forums for employment. GL
  11. Come work for Club Roxx I'm one of the employees there. But one of the bosses is on right now. Contact Chloe Romanos in world. She'll tell you what openings there are.
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