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StellaMaris Atheria

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  1. Hi! My SL name is Stella Maris - call me Stells. I've been on SL for 8 years now. When I started, I had a great group of friends but over the years RL stole them from me. I have been in and out of SL over the past few months but want to come back on a more consistent basis. I have 3 amazing SL sisters who I love to pieces but they are in dating / partnered mode and I just want to explore and go dancing and have fun so I feel bad tearing them away from their partners. I love all types of music. Prince is my favorite artist but it's hard finding Prince friends on SL nowadays. I love SL games especially Greedy and Cards Against Humanity. I'm up for adventure. I'm not a big fan of people who use multiple alts on a constant basis because I think that's kinda shady; and, I've had extremely bad situations because of a**holes with alts. I'm an SL mom with 2 daughters, Dali and Juniper, who are cute bot babies. My SL persona is a Fallen Angel....was just told that Bloodlines is just now incorporating this - took them long enough LOL. I'm very tall with retractable wings and purple hair. SL is really amazing! RL me is late-30s and lives in California with my cat, Dali. I was born and raised in Louisiana and I've lived in Florida, Ohio, NY, and Spain over the last 20 years. I'm a veterinary technician and love the beach, concerts, and traveling (just came back from Tokyo - amazing!!). My SL and RL are the same when it comes to people. Honesty, respect, and a good heart are must haves because life is too short to be dealing with mean-spirited people.
  2. I order 20 items and only 12 were able to be delivered before my IMs were capped. I see it says the new way to handle this problem is to just contact the seller, but when click on the seller's name it doesn't give u contact information. It was waaay easier the original way because now this is a hassle if it's more than one seller u have to contact. It's 8 different items all with different sellers. Was much less of a hassle to just copy/paste the item numbers to a form. I waited the 24hour time period and no delivery. Please help! Thanks, Stella :-D
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