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Everything posted by AmyNevilly

  1. Sounds like you might have the wrong password
  2. You need to convert your linden into USD by selling them using your control panel
  3. Maybe you were lucky and someone sent you some L$ ;D
  4. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_img.asp use that syntax - img src. There is a maximum height of 49 pixels I think...
  5. I've had 5,000,000L in my account in the past - I suppose that makes me qualified to answer? I would play Fish Hunt and Gold Hunt. You'll probably earn a lot more than you would dancing. You also get paid instantly by clicking on the ATMs at the HQ rather than waiting days like you would with E2L http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters Oh and there is a huge community to get involved with!!
  6. I would play Fish Hunt and Gold Hunt. You'll probably earn a lot more than you would dancing. You also get paid instantly by clicking on the ATMs at the HQ rather than waiting days like you would with E2L http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters Oh and there is a huge community to get involved with!!
  7. I would play Fish Hunt and Gold Hunt. You'll probably earn a lot more than you would dancing. You also get paid instantly by clicking on the ATMs at the HQ rather than waiting days like you would with E2L http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters Oh and there is a huge community to get involved with!!
  8. Why don't you earn money through some of the money making hunts and fishing games run by SecondAds: http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters 20,000 new players have already been helped out in this way and we would welcome more :matte-motes-kiss:
  9. Not all freebies are dross. Don't be so stupid. Marketplace works just fine... Main reason SL looks so crap is that most people have crap taste. Even if you put good stuff up there only they will still find some way of making it look crap.
  10. I would try the gold hunt and the fish hunt to bring you some traffic: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/77098
  11. You could always earn linden by hunting for coins or fishing :matte-motes-kiss: http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters
  12. You could always earn linden by hunting for coins or fishing :matte-motes-kiss: http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters
  13. You could always earn linden by hunting for coins or fishing :matte-motes-kiss: http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters
  14. Art is a difficult area to get in to. Problem is that although there are copyright laws in SL they are very difficult to enforce. That makes it very difficult to compete because you'll be competing with some of the top artists in the world by proxy. In no way am I condoning the behaviour of certain people by the way. I would move away from "art" and move towards "designing". There is a lot of demand for "designers" to help with the visual aspects of products. That could be your niche I think - and still lets you express yourself. You might also think about joining the Gold Hunt or Fish Hunt if you don't have any success. Top hunters can earn 1000s of linden. We have paid out over half a million linden already to players http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters
  15. Join the Gold Hunt or Fish Hunt - our top hunters earn 1000s of linden: http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters
  16. Join the Gold Hunt or Fish Hunt - our top hunters earn 1000s of linden: http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters
  17. Don't take notice of these guys. Theres no need to spend your SL time dancing round some stupid pole. Join the Gold Hunt or Fish Hunt - our top hunters earn 1000s of linden: http://secondlife.com/destination/gold-hunt-headquarters http://secondlife.com/destination/fish-hunt-headquarters You can spend your time exploring instead of showing off your underwear!
  18. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Business%20Park/113/134/27/ It's not been that long since the grid-wide gold hunt started, but today we're celebrating having paid over 200,000L$ to our players - most of them less than a few days old!! Join us tonight in our celebrations at the Gold Hunt headquarters!!
  19. About Secondads Secondads (ADS) is the largest company listed on the stock exchange (www.slcapex.com) with a total market value (at current share value) of over 70,000USD. Our profits exceed 600,000L$ per month and we pay 100% dividends. We specialise in the development of advanced games, advertising systems, gadgets and traffic tools. You can visit our website at www.secondads.com What we are looking for Secondads is growing so fast that it is difficult for us to keep the pace up in our small team. We're looking for an additional scripter who can become a core member of our team. Someone with some real skills, time and energy to give us and who plays nicely with others. Salary Together we will develop new revolutionary products such as those on our marketplace store (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/77098). We do all the marketting, so you'll benefit from selling through our brand. You'll also benefit from working in our labs which are the perfect quiet environment to work. In return we will reward you with company shares freely tradable for thousands of USD, and which pay out regular dividends. Desirable Skills: - mySQL - php - Extensive knowledge of LSL How to apply Contact AmyNevilly Resident or Wili Clip ingame or send a notecard
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