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Posts posted by Cerise1488303085

  1. Zanara Zenovka wrote:

    Good grief - it's not all about you. Merely telling the OP how to do their desired search.

    You replied to my post, so you made it about me. And you did not tell the OP how to do anything, you merely said it can't be done without any explanation, not very helpful at all since it is possible to get better results with better keyword choices and custom query strings.

  2. Hi, the stuff you will have to put in the URL will really depend on what the web site expects, there are standard encodings but the details are application specific.

    Most times when you have a name-value pair in a web address, the ? goes between the address and the parameters, and & separates parameters. So, your example might look like http://xxxx.com/?d12=1&d22=0 or it could be something very different. It is not really possible to give a "yes this will work" answer without knowing how that web site works.

  3. Hi, the short version --

    You can use the new bouncy avatar physics wearables from viewer 2.6.3, they put the code in the enable them. This is a bonus to encourage upgrades.

    The real fixes are to make sure that you can see avatars running newer viewers correctly when they change their outfits, and to prevent crashes from malicious inworld sound clips.

    Adding -- Firestorm will have the same crash bug unless there has been a new build in the last week.


  4. That is OK if the position inside the sim changes, you can still cache the base region coordinates to use again, so you can skip the dataserver part. Regions do not move often, so a flush at on_rez or attach time should be good enough to catch stale ones.

  5. Hi, I can think of two things that might cause this, maybe one of them will apply to you.

    Did you get a new router with your new Internet service? If yes, does it have a feature called SPI (stateful packet inspection)? Some implementations of this are not prepared to deal with Vista and Win7 networking, and they can eventually hang the connection with various errors. If turning off SPI makes the problem stop, check if there is a router firmware update available before you try to switch it back on.

    Are you using AVG antivirus? It can have a strange interaction when there is a program like SL that makes lots of network connections, eventually Windows will stop being able to make new connections, and Windows will not see any errors; only a PC reboot will unstick it. The cure for this is to not use AVG. Microsoft Security Essentials is a reasonable alternative that is a lot more stable, and it won't fill your browser with useless adware and browser hooks.

  6. Hi, the trick is all in the alignment. Set your hollows on the same axis and rotation, carefully measure the drive shaft to match the hollows, and you should get a good snug fit to power several prims on a single power source. If you need to run more than 3 or 4 prims, it will be good to hire a precision machinist, but smaller loads can handle looser tolerances.


  7. Hi, I have this little browser extension that makes the marketplace search hurt less. It will remember what category you are in, it shows the keywords on the product pages so your search rsults are less mysterious, and lets you show or hide the featured items section.

    It can install right into Chrome, and it will work in Firefox if you have the Greasemonkey extension.  It should still work in Safari with Greasekit or Ninjakit, but I have not tested those in a while. It was working in Opera too the last time I checked, but I have yet to find a user script soluton for IE that does not make me scream in horror.

    This little script makes me smile, I have to take out more features over time than I add, because sllllllllowwwwwwwllllly LL adds them. With luck, some day they wll add this bit too. :)

  8. On occasion a third party viewer will still try to do the old style client side compilation, and many viewers have old function tables that will choke on the newer functions. If you are using a TPV, especially one of the less mainstream ones, try a different viewer to make sure the server is performing the compilation. This can also happen on OpenSim servers that do not track LL function changes closely.

  9. Rufio63 wrote:

    I downloaded the 2009 version viewer 1-23-5-136262. It downdoaded great, but how do you log on with only 1 username? It looks like with that old version you had two names for logon.

    Hi, if you have a newer account without a last name, use "Resident" as a place holder in the "Last Name:" blank. Be aware that 1.23.5 is very old and unmaintained and has a major bug, it is easy for other people to crash your viewer whenever they want.

  10. Graphics Card  6150 se Nvidia with updated drivers

    I am only adding to the chorus, but i can confirm that nVidia 6150SE is really inadequate to run SL in a reasonable way.

    The following will make the "serious gamer PC" types cringe, but this will be OK for the casual user.

    A PC with specs like yours probably has a PCIe 16x slot in it. It probably also has a wimpy power supply, around 250 watts.

    One very inexpensive way out of your conundrum would be a card with an ATI HD 5450. This card is not a good performer compared to the real gaming cards, but it will be plenty adequate for casual SL use and will do quite well for photos, 10-15 fps with 128 draw distance and Windlight enabled, much better than that with basic shaders off. These cards retail for ~US$30 or sometimes less, and their peak wattage is only 20, so you don't need a power supply upgrade. They are quiet too, since they don't need fans.

    If you have the spare cash for a stronger power supply and a nicer graphic card, by all means get them, but the above is pretty close to the minimum you will want to use with today's SL and not feel the need to scream.

  11. (sorry for all the edits if anyone is subscribed, bad morning.)

    I think that the easiest fix for LL will be to change the style sheet.  The trouble we are having is in this sheet, around line 1500, in the section commented "/****** code content */".


    This part:

    #lia-body .lia-content .lia-message-body pre, 	.mceContentBody pre,	#lia-body .lia-content .lia-panel-tooltip pre		{ -ms-word-wrap:sWrap; white-space:-moz-pre-wrap; white-space:-pre-wrap; white-space:-o-pre-wrap; white-space:pre-wrap; }

    will work better for us if the "#lia-body .lia-content .lia-message-body pre" and ".mceContentBody pre" rules use white-space:pre and not white-space:pre-wrap. pre-wrap is probably sensible for the tooltips.

  12. OK, Blue Goo is updated to force no wrapping.

    On Firefox, go to http://userstyles.org/styles/44855/community-secondlife-com-blue-goo-theme and it will detect if you need an upadte, and you can press the install button to copmlete it.

    If you use Chrome's Stylish, the update procedure is different. Right-click on the Stylish icon in the browser toolbar, and pick Options, then press the Check for Update button.  If you are newly installing the style sheet, use the same link as for Firefox above.

    stylish for Firefox is here, the Chrome version is here.

  13. Hi, there is a small update for this today. I have temporarily removed the white-space:pre hack because it does not get along with the new editor. This trouble really needs to be fixed on the site CSS.

    Copying and pasting the code should still be OK even if it wraps weirdly on the forum, and I will touch up Blue Goo in a few minutes to do the right thing. Hopefully LL can follow suit with the default style sheet.

  14. Hi, if the streams start at all, the problem will not be in the simulator or your scripts. They have a very small role, they only tell your viewer what URL to load. The rest of it is all between your viewer, the Internet, and the server hosting the media.

    Does the same stream URL play OK outside SL, like in Winamp or iTunes?


    Luc Starsider wrote:

    That's how I understood they would do it from the same meeting transcript Quinn refered to.

    Btw. I had a look at the link you gave above, but I have to admit I'm not much wiser. Is the solution you made different than what LL did with the button on the bottom of the page?

    - Luc -

    The difference is that the script always generates a reply to the OP. The Lithium button will use the OP sometimes, but it will not if you follow a reply link from the new posts page, or a permalink to a reply.


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