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Everything posted by EmmanuelMara

  1. I have that problem, no matter the region I've try, with a message error saying: ...Second Life is unable to convert this file to JPEG2000... Amazed, cause is the same .TAG format and file settings resolution and alpha I've ever uploaded before... SL is not the perfect always, that's a long bug history sometime here sometime there...
  2. Let's go diving their sky to homage TERRA Aeronautics at ABBOTS Airport. Let's go bright on the sky of Abbots our airship and aerobatics. Light your flares and support Cubey. Cubey don't go alone. Thanks for all that blessed fun you brought to us inworld!
  3. After years in Second Life is so sad that only LL rules relative to "economy" aspects has raised, while forget about real pleasant life inworld. In any matter SL can beat the high quality of others platforms, where playing or living online results an amazing time... But SL forgets his TOUR DE FORCE, his GOOD POINT: the residents. They are the only way to survive and at same time create inwolrd. It used to be an alive online wolrd. And a MEETING POINT of million encounters and sharings, a place to grow and learning. At first time, mid 2007, just walk and meet local people and real friends whom bring me to that "wonderland" where learn and create. Soon my sporting aim show me a whole approach to activities and disciplines that only dream or TV before. Right SL in not offworld, is not the same gravity, dynamics, and other effects and senses as RL does. But for a bunch of people was the way to know and feel. To all people that likes fantasy, I still recommend other platforms where the play is a game, and of course the visual and audio experience is miles away of this "poor" world… But to all like me, that enjoy meeting charm people, amazing creators, builders and scripters who make alive Second Life. The only way it's to have a conscious, reliable, affordable and stable platform that regards no matter the user hardware. Second Life, an unforgetable residents met here, make me exploit my love for all kind of vehicles -real like replicas and futurama/steampunk-. My joy of drive trial bikes, paragliding, aerobatics, dragters… and finally lovely ancient and classic yachts as well modern yacht racers... …but at the same time this world lack more and more every day of an stability that mades a nightmare make anything a bit serious… even a walk with friends through a forest that crossing to the next sim. And instead to improve our experience, permit with option in preferences to banning and limiting scripting as well building in a non sense manner… A big BOOOHHH! All of you that never goes but using teleports, and no more than two continents in maindland HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I?M WALKING ABOUT. Hugs Don!
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