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Gunner Grun

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Posts posted by Gunner Grun

  1. This is a new for me and might just be a firestorm thing. In world an error window pops up out of no where for the market place. It's even happened on my Alt 3 or 4 times in the last week. I dont even have the marketplace open and my Alt has nothing on the site.

  2. Agrees with Prokofy. prims or land impact its all the same. If you can have 3000 prims to play with on your land and you set a mesh piece that has an LI of 1000 then you can only get 2000 more prims or 2000 more LI of mesh  on your land. Same for prims set out a 1000 prim build and you only have 2000 left to play with. I think everyone knows how to read Li vs Prim count. Just sayin

  3. On XStreet free items did not dominate search as they do now. The Most Popular page was full of quality items. 

    Where is all this free stuff? I keep looking but it dosn't come up in hardly any of my searches. I went to the best selling section and went 20 pages deep there was nothing free.

  4. I've been having this problem for over a week now. Durning the day everything is good but at night it goes to cloud mode. I just stand there and wait. My partner is having the same problem every night as well and the only thing we found that works is clearing the cache and logging back in. TaDa there we are, between the two of us we have 5 sims and it does it no matter what sim we log in from.

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